
This page lists publications and miscellaneous work of all members of the MathCoRe Research Training Group. They all include an Acknowledgement of funding by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. Recommended is the following phrase:

Funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) - 314838170, GRK 2297 MathCoRe.

You can use the search mask to filter the content. The (sometimes buggy) search mask allows the usage of regular expressions:

  • e.g., to search for entries between 2018 and 2019, type: 201[8-9]
  • e.g., for all reftypes that are articles or books, type: article|book
  • e.g., for all publications authored by Zeile and Weber (in that order), type: zeile.*weber
  • e.g., for all articles authored by Sager, type: sager.*article*

Heiland, J., Kim, Y.
Convolutional Autoencoders, Clustering, and POD for Low-Dimensional Parametrization of Flow Equations
Computers & Mathematics with Applications
    author = {Heiland, Jan and Kim, Yongho},
    title = {Convolutional Autoencoders, Clustering, and {POD} for Low-Dimensional Parametrization of Flow Equations},
    journal = {{Computers \& Mathematics with Applications}},
    year = {2024},
    volume = {175},
    pages = {49--61},
    doi = {10.1016/j.camwa.2024.08.032}
Heiland, J., Kim, Y.
Polytopic Autoencoders with Smooth Clustering for Reduced-order Modelling of Flows
    author = {Heiland, Jan and Kim, Yongho},
    title = {Polytopic Autoencoders with Smooth Clustering for Reduced-order Modelling of Flows},
    year = {2024},
    url = {}
Munko, M., Ditzhaus, M., Dobler, D., Genuneit, J.
RMST-based multiple contrast tests in general factorial designs
Statistics in Medicine
    author = {Munko, Merle and Ditzhaus, Marc and Dobler, Dennis and Genuneit, Jon},
    title = {{RMST}-based multiple contrast tests in general factorial designs},
    journal = {Statistics in Medicine},
    year = {2024},
    url = {},
    doi = {10.1002/sim.10017}
Heiland, J., Kim, Y., Werner, S. W. R.
Deep Polytopic Autoencoders for Low-dimensional Linear Parameter-varying Approximations and Nonlinear Feedback Design
    author = {Heiland, Jan and Kim, Yongho and Werner, Steffen W. R.},
    title = {Deep Polytopic Autoencoders for Low-dimensional Linear Parameter-varying Approximations and Nonlinear Feedback Design},
    year = {2024},
    url = {}
Kapustsin, U., Kaya, U., Richter, T.
Error analysis for hybrid finite element/neural network discretizations
    author = {Kapustsin, Uladzislau and Kaya, Utku and Richter, Thomas},
    title = {Error analysis for hybrid finite element/neural network discretizations},
    year = {2023}
Kapustsin, U., Kaya, U., Richter, T.
A hybrid finite element/neural network solver and its application to the Poisson problem
Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
    author = {Kapustsin, Uladzislau and Kaya, Utku and Richter, Thomas},
    title = {A hybrid finite element/neural network solver and its application to the Poisson problem},
    booktitle = {Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics},
    year = {2023},
    url = {},
    doi = {10.1002/pamm.202300135}
Schramm, L., Kaya, U., Braack, M.
Rosenbrock-Wanner and W-methods for the Navier-Stokes equations
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
    author = {Schramm, Leon and Kaya, Utku and Braack, Malte},
    title = {Rosenbrock-{W}anner and {W}-methods for the {N}avier-{S}tokes equations},
    journal = {Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering},
    year = {2023},
    volume = {404},
    pages = {115769},
    url = {},
    doi = {10.1016/j.cma.2022.115769}
Lins de Araujo, P. M., Santos Rego, Y.
Twisted conjugacy in soluble arithmetic groups
    author = {Lins de Araujo, P. M. and Santos Rego, Y.},
    title = {Twisted conjugacy in soluble arithmetic groups},
    year = {2023}
Santos Rego, Y., Schwer, P.
The galaxy of Coxeter groups
to appear in Journal of Algebra
    author = {Santos Rego, Y. and Schwer, P.},
    title = {The galaxy of Coxeter groups},
    journal = {to appear in Journal of Algebra},
    year = {2023},
    url = {}
Molyneux, L., Nucinkis, B., Santos Rego, Y.
The Sigma invariants for the golden mean Thompson group
    author = {Molyneux, L. and Nucinkis, B. and Santos Rego, Y.},
    title = {The Sigma invariants for the golden mean Thompson group},
    year = {2023}
Lins de Araujo, P. M., Oliveira-Tosti, A. S., Santos Rego, Y.
Thompson-like groups, Reidemeister numbers, and fixed points
Geometriae Dedicata
    author = {Lins de Araujo, P. M. and Oliveira-Tosti, A. S. and Santos Rego, Y.},
    title = {Thompson-like groups, Reidemeister numbers, and fixed points},
    journal = {Geometriae Dedicata},
    year = {2023},
    doi = {10.1007/s10711-023-00790-2}
Gnettner, F., Kirch, C., Nieto-Reyes, A.
Variations of the depth based Liu-Singh two-sample test including functional spaces
    author = {Gnettner, Felix and Kirch, Claudia and Nieto-Reyes, Alicia},
    title = {Variations of the depth based Liu-Singh two-sample test including functional spaces},
    year = {2023}
Kirch, C., Klein, P., Meyer, M.
Scan statistics for the detection of anomalies in M-dependent random fields with applications to image data
    author = {Kirch, Claudia and Klein, Philipp and Meyer, Marco},
    title = {Scan statistics for the detection of anomalies in M-dependent random fields with applications to image data},
    year = {2023}
Reuter, T., Schwabe, R.
Optimal subsampling design for polynomial regression in one covariate
Statistical Papers
    author = {Reuter, Torsten and Schwabe, Rainer},
    title = {Optimal subsampling design for polynomial regression in one covariate},
    journal = {Statistical Papers},
    publisher = {Springer},
    year = {2023},
    volume = {64},
    pages = {1095--1117},
    doi = {10.1007/s00362-023-01425-0}
Ardalani, A., Pott, A.
A new Transformation for Costas Arrays
2022 10th International Workshop on Signal Design and Its Applications in Communications (IWSDA)
    author = {Ardalani, Ali and Pott, Alexander},
    title = {A new Transformation for Costas Arrays},
    booktitle = {2022 10th International Workshop on Signal Design and Its Applications in Communications (IWSDA)},
    year = {2022},
    pages = {1--5},
    doi = {10.1109/IWSDA50346.2022.9870597}
Heiland, J., Kim, Y.
Convolutional Autoencoders and Clustering for Low-dimensional Parametrization of Incompressible Flows
    author = {Heiland, Jan and Kim, Yongho},
    title = {Convolutional Autoencoders and Clustering for Low-dimensional Parametrization of Incompressible Flows},
    journal = {{IFAC-PapersOnLine}},
    year = {2022},
    volume = {55},
    number = {30},
    pages = {430--435},
    note = {25th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems MTNS 2022},
    doi = {10.1016/j.ifacol.2022.11.091}
Kaya, U., Braack, M.
Stabilizing the convection-diffusion-reaction equation via local problems
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
    author = {Kaya, Utku and Braack, Malte},
    title = {Stabilizing the convection-diffusion-reaction equation via local problems},
    journal = {Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering},
    year = {2022},
    volume = {398},
    pages = {115243},
    url = {},
    doi = {10.1016/j.cma.2022.115243}
Kirch, C., Stöhr, C.
Asymptotic delay times of sequential tests based on U-statistics for early and late change points
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference
    author = {Kirch, Claudia and St{\"o}hr, Christina},
    title = {Asymptotic delay times of sequential tests based on U-statistics for early and late change points},
    journal = {Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference},
    year = {2022},
    doi = {10.1016/j.jspi.2022.04.001}
Cho, H., Kirch, C.
Bootstrap confidence intervals for multiple change points based on moving sum procedures
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis
    author = {Cho, H. and Kirch, C.},
    title = {Bootstrap confidence intervals for multiple change points based on moving sum procedures},
    journal = {Computational Statistics and Data Analysis},
    year = {2022},
    doi = {10.1016/j.csda.2022.107552}
Kirch, C., Reckruehm, K.
Data Segmentation for Time Series Based on a General Moving Sum Approach
Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics
    author = {Kirch, Claudia and Reckruehm, Kerstin},
    title = {Data Segmentation for Time Series Based on a General Moving Sum Approach},
    journal = {Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics},
    year = {2022}
Averkov, G., Chavez, A., De Loera, J., Gillespie, B.
The lattice of cycles of an undirected graph
Linear Algebra and its Applications
    author = {Averkov, G. and Chavez, A. and {De Loera}, J.A. and Gillespie, B.},
    title = {The lattice of cycles of an undirected graph},
    journal = {Linear Algebra and its Applications},
    year = {2021},
    volume = {611},
    pages = {213 - 236},
    doi = {10.1016/j.laa.2020.10.027}
Boege, T.
Gaussoids are two-antecedental approximations of Gaussian conditional independence structures
Ann. Math. Artif. Intell.
    author = {Boege, Tobias},
    title = {Gaussoids are two-antecedental approximations of Gaussian conditional independence structures},
    journal = {Ann. Math. Artif. Intell.},
    year = {2021},
    doi = {10.1007/s10472-021-09780-0}
Boege, T.
Incidence geometry in the projective plane via almost-principal minors of symmetric matrices
    author = {Boege, Tobias},
    title = {Incidence geometry in the projective plane via almost-principal minors of symmetric matrices},
    year = {2021}
Boege, T., Coons, J. I., Eur, C., Maraj, A., Röttger, F.
Reciprocal Maximum Likelihood Degrees of Brownian Motion Tree Models
Le Matematiche
    author = {Boege, Tobias and Coons, Jane Ivy and Eur, Christopher and Maraj, Aida and R{\"o}ttger, Frank},
    title = {Reciprocal Maximum Likelihood Degrees of Brownian Motion Tree Models},
    journal = {Le Matematiche},
    year = {2021},
    volume = {76},
    number = {2},
    pages = {383-398},
    doi = {10.4418/2021.76.2.6}
Freise, F., Graßhoff, U., Röttger, F., Schwabe, R.
D-optimal designs for Poisson regression with synergetic interaction effect
    author = {Freise, Fritjof and Graßhoff, Ulrike and R{\"o}ttger, Frank and Schwabe, Rainer},
    title = {{D}-optimal designs for {P}oisson regression with synergetic interaction effect},
    journal = {TEST},
    year = {2021},
    doi = {10.1007/s11749-020-00752-w}
Failer, L., Minakowski, P., Richter, T.
On the Impact of Fluid Structure Interaction in Blood Flow Simulations
Vietnam Journal of Mathematics
    author = {Failer, L. and Minakowski, P. and Richter, T.},
    title = {On the Impact of Fluid Structure Interaction in Blood Flow Simulations},
    journal = {Vietnam Journal of Mathematics},
    year = {2021},
    volume = {49},
    number = {1},
    pages = {169-187},
    doi = {10.1007/s10013-020-00456-6}
Kahle, T., Röttger, F., Schwabe, R.
The semi-algebraic geometry of optimal designs for the Bradley–Terry model
to appear in Algebraic Statistics
    author = {{Kahle}, T. and R{\"o}ttger, F. and {Schwabe}, R.},
    title = {{The semi-algebraic geometry of optimal designs for the Bradley--Terry model}},
    journal = {to appear in Algebraic Statistics},
    year = {2021}
Kirch, C., Klein, P.
Moving sum data segmentation for stochastic processes based on invariance
Statistica Sinica
    author = {Kirch, Claudia and Klein, Philipp},
    title = {Moving sum data segmentation for stochastic processes based on invariance},
    journal = {Statistica Sinica},
    year = {2021},
    doi = {10.5705/ss.202021.0048}
Lehrenfeld, C., Heimann, F., Preuß, J., von Wahl, H.
`ngsxfem`: Add-on to NGSolve for geometrically unfitted finite element discretizations
J. Open Source Softw.
    author = {Lehrenfeld, C. and Heimann, F. and {Preu\ss}, J. and von Wahl, H.},
    title = {`ngsxfem`: Add-on to NGSolve for geometrically unfitted finite element discretizations},
    journal = {J. Open Source Softw.},
    publisher = {The Open Journal},
    year = {2021},
    volume = {6},
    number = {64},
    pages = {3237},
    doi = {10.21105/joss.03237}
Lautsch, L., Richter, T.
Error estimation and adaptivity for differential equations with multiple scales in time
Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics
    author = {Lautsch, L. and Richter, T.},
    title = {Error estimation and adaptivity for differential equations with multiple scales in time},
    journal = {Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics},
    year = {2021},
    note = {Accepted 03/03/2021},
    url = {}
Margenberg, N., Richter, T.
Parallel time-stepping for fluid-structure interactions
Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena
    author = {Margenberg, N. and Richter, T.},
    title = {Parallel time-stepping for fluid-structure interactions},
    journal = {Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena},
    year = {2021},
    note = {Accepted 11/01/2021},
    url = {},
    doi = {10.1051/mmnp/2021005}
Mehlmann, C., Danilov, S., Losch, M., Lemieux, J., Hutter, N., Richter, T., Blain, P., Hunke, E., Korn, P.
Simulating linear kinematic features in viscous-plastic sea ice models on quadrilateral and triangular grids
    author = {Mehlmann, C. and Danilov, S. and Losch, M. and Lemieux, J.F. and Hutter, N. and Richter, T. and Blain, P. and Hunke, E.C. and Korn, P},
    title = {Simulating linear kinematic features in viscous-plastic sea ice models on quadrilateral and triangular grids},
    year = {2021}
Minakowska, M., Richter, T., Sager, S.
A finite element / neural network framework for modeling suspensions of non-spherical particles. Concepts and medical applications
Vietnam Journal of Mathematics
    author = {Minakowska, M. and Richter, T. and Sager, S.},
    title = {A finite element / neural network framework for modeling suspensions of non-spherical particles. Concepts and medical applications},
    journal = {Vietnam Journal of Mathematics},
    year = {2021},
    volume = {49},
    number = {1},
    pages = {207-235},
    doi = {10.1007/s10013-021-00477-9}
Richter, T.
An averaging scheme for the efficient approximation of time-periodic flow problems
Computers and Fluids
    author = {Richter, T.},
    title = {An averaging scheme for the efficient approximation of time-periodic flow problems},
    journal = {Computers and Fluids},
    year = {2021},
    volume = {214},
    doi = {10.1016/j.compfluid.2020.104769}
Soszynska, M., Richter, T.
Adaptive time-step control for a monolithic multirate scheme coupling the heat and wave equation
BIT Numerical Mathematics
    author = {Soszynska, M. and Richter, T.},
    title = {Adaptive time-step control for a monolithic multirate scheme coupling the heat and wave equation},
    journal = {BIT Numerical Mathematics},
    year = {2021},
    doi = {10.1007/s10543-021-00854-3}
Averkov, G., Schymura, M.
Complexity of linear relaxations in integer programming
Mathematical Programming
    author = {Averkov, Gennadiy and Schymura, Matthias},
    title = {Complexity of linear relaxations in integer programming},
    journal = {Mathematical Programming},
    publisher = {Springer},
    year = {2021},
    pages = {1--37},
    doi = {10.1007/s10107-021-01623-4}
Aliev, I., Averkov, G., De Loera, J. A., Oertel, T.
Sparse representation of vectors in lattices and semigroups
Mathematical Programming
    author = {Aliev, Iskander and Averkov, Gennadiy and De Loera, Jes{\'u}s A. and Oertel, Timm},
    title = {Sparse representation of vectors in lattices and semigroups},
    journal = {Mathematical Programming},
    publisher = {Springer},
    year = {2021},
    note = {accepted}
Averkov, G., Hojny, C., Schymura, M.
Computational Aspects of Relaxation Complexity
Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization
    author = {Averkov, Gennadiy and Hojny, Christopher and Schymura, Matthias},
    title = {Computational Aspects of Relaxation Complexity},
    booktitle = {Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization},
    publisher = {Springer International Publishing},
    year = {2021},
    address = {Cham},
    note = {accepted}
Benner, P., Köhler, M., Saak, J.
Matrix Equations, Sparse Solvers: M-M.E.S.S.-2.0.1–Philosophy, Features and Application for (Parametric) Model Order Reduction
Model Reduction of Complex Dynamical Systems
    author = {Benner, Peter and K{\"o}hler, Martin and Saak, Jens},
    title = {Matrix Equations, Sparse Solvers: {M-M.E.S.S.-2.0.1}--Philosophy, Features and Application for (Parametric) Model Order Reduction},
    booktitle = {Model Reduction of Complex Dynamical Systems},
    publisher = {Springer, Cham},
    year = {2021},
    editor = {Benner, P. and Breiten, T. and Faßbender, H. and Hinze, M. and Stykel, T. and Zimmermann, R.},
    note = {To appear}
Chellappa, S., Feng, L., Benner, P.
An Adaptive Sampling Approach for the Reduced Basis Method
Realization and Model Reduction of Dynamical Systems –– A Festschrift in Honor of the 70th Birthday of Thanos Antoulas
    author = {Chellappa, Sridhar and Feng, Lihong and Benner, Peter},
    title = {An Adaptive Sampling Approach for the Reduced Basis Method},
    booktitle = {Realization and Model Reduction of Dynamical Systems --– A Festschrift in Honor of the 70th Birthday of Thanos Antoulas},
    publisher = {Springer, Cham},
    year = {2021},
    editor = {Beattie, C. and Benner, P. and Embree, M. and Gugercin, S. and Lefteriu, S.},
    note = {To appear}
Chellappa, S., Feng, L., de la Rubia, V., Benner, P.
Adaptive Interpolatory MOR by Learning the Error Estimator in the Parameter Domain
Model Reduction of Complex Dynamical Systems
    author = {Chellappa, Sridhar and Feng, Lihong and de la Rubia, Valent{\'i}n and Benner, Peter},
    title = {Adaptive Interpolatory MOR by Learning the Error Estimator in the Parameter Domain},
    booktitle = {Model Reduction of Complex Dynamical Systems},
    publisher = {Springer, Cham},
    year = {2021},
    editor = {Benner, P. and Breiten, T. and Faßbender, H. and Hinze, M. and Stykel, T. and Zimmermann, R.},
    note = {To appear}
de Heide, R., Cheshire, J., Ménard, P., Carpentier, A.
Bandits with many optimal arms
    author = {de Heide, Rianne and Cheshire, James and Ménard, Pierre and Carpentier, Alexandra},
    title = {Bandits with many optimal arms},
    year = {2021}
Doolittle, J., Katthän, L., Nill, B., Santos, F.
Empty simplices of large width
    author = {Doolittle, Joseph and Katthän, Lukas and Nill, Benjamin and Santos, Francisco},
    title = {Empty simplices of large width},
    year = {2021}
Guerra, C. A., Delgado-Baquerizo, M., Duarte, E., Marigliano, O., Görgen, C., Maestre, F. T., Eisenhauer, N.
Global projections of the soil microbiome in the Anthropocene
Global Ecology and Biogeography
    author = {Guerra, Carlos A. and Delgado-Baquerizo, Manuel and Duarte, Eliana and Marigliano, Orlando and Görgen, Christiane and Maestre, Fernando T. and Eisenhauer, Nico},
    title = {Global projections of the soil microbiome in the Anthropocene},
    journal = {Global Ecology and Biogeography},
    year = {2021},
    volume = {30},
    number = {5},
    pages = {987-999},
    doi = {10.1111/geb.13273}
Duarte, E., Solus, L.
Representation Context-Specific Causal Models with Observational and Interventional Data
    author = {Duarte, Eliana and Solus, Liam},
    title = {Representation Context-Specific Causal Models with Observational and Interventional Data},
    year = {2021}
Freise, F., Gaffke, N., Schwabe, R.
The adaptive Wynn-algorithm in generalized linear models with univariate response
Ann. Statist.
    author = {Freise, Fritjof and Gaffke, Norbert and Schwabe, Rainer},
    title = {The adaptive Wynn-algorithm in generalized linear models with univariate response},
    journal = {Ann. Statist.},
    year = {2021},
    volume = {49},
    pages = {702-722},
    doi = {10.1214/20-AOS1974}
Freise, F., Gaffke, N., Schwabe, R.
Convergence of least squares estimators in the adaptive Wynn algorithm for a class of nonlinear regression models
    author = {Freise, Fritjof and Gaffke, Norbert and Schwabe, Rainer},
    title = {Convergence of least squares estimators in the adaptive Wynn algorithm for a class of nonlinear regression models},
    journal = {Metrika},
    year = {2021},
    note = {Accepted}
Graßhoff, U., Großmann, H., Holling, H., Schwabe, R.
Optimal design for probit choice models with dependent utilities
    author = {Gra{\ss}hoff, Ulrike and Gro{\ss}mann, Heiko and Holling, Heinz and Schwabe, Rainer},
    title = {Optimal design for probit choice models with dependent utilities},
    journal = {Statistics},
    year = {2021},
    volume = {55},
    pages = {173-194},
    doi = {10.1080/02331888.2021.1888292}
Idais, O., Schwabe, R.
Analytic solutions for locally optimal designs for gamma models having linear predictors without intercept
    author = {Idais, Osama and Schwabe, Rainer},
    title = {Analytic solutions for locally optimal designs for gamma models having linear predictors without intercept},
    journal = {Metrika},
    year = {2021},
    volume = {84},
    pages = {1-26},
    doi = {10.1007/s00184-019-00760-3}
Kahle, T., Krüsemann, J.
Binomial edge ideals of cographs
to appear in Revista de la Unión Matemática Argentina
    author = {Kahle, Thomas and Kr{\"u}semann, Jonas},
    title = {Binomial edge ideals of cographs},
    journal = {to appear in Revista de la Uni\'{o}n Matem\'{a}tica Argentina},
    year = {2021}
Kirch, C., Stöhr, C.
Sequential change point tests based on U-statistics
Scandinavian Journal of Statistics
    author = {Kirch, Claudia and St{\"o}hr, Christina},
    title = {Sequential change point tests based on U-statistics},
    journal = {Scandinavian Journal of Statistics},
    year = {2021},
    doi = {10.1111/sjos.12558}
Asif, M. M. A., Ahmad, M. I., Benner, P., Feng, L., Stykel, T.
Implicit Higher-Order Moment Matching Technique for Model Reduction of Quadratic-bilinear Systems
Journal of the Franklin Institute
    author = {Asif, M. M. A. and Ahmad, M. I. and Benner, P. and Feng, L. and Stykel, T.},
    title = {Implicit Higher-Order Moment Matching Technique for Model Reduction of Quadratic-bilinear Systems },
    journal = {Journal of the Franklin Institute},
    year = {2021},
    volume = {358},
    number = {3},
    pages = {2015--2038},
    doi = {10.1016/j.jfranklin.2020.11.012}
Benner, P., Goyal, P.
Interpolation-Based Model Order Reduction for Polynomial Systems
SIAM J. Sci. Comp
    author = {Benner, P. and Goyal, P.},
    title = {Interpolation-Based Model Order Reduction for Polynomial Systems},
    journal = {SIAM J. Sci. Comp},
    year = {2021},
    volume = {43},
    number = {1},
    pages = {A84--A108},
    doi = {10.1137/19M1259171}
Benner, P., Gugercin, S., Werner, S. W. R.
Structure-Preserving Interpolation of Bilinear Control Systems
Adv. Comp. Math.
    author = {Benner, P. and Gugercin, S. and Werner, S. W. R.},
    title = {Structure-Preserving Interpolation of Bilinear Control Systems},
    journal = {Adv. Comp. Math.},
    year = {2021},
    note = {Accepted 25/02/2021}
Benner, P., Heiland, J., Werner, S. W. R.
Robust output-feedback stabilization for incompressible flows using low-dimensional $\mathcalH_ınfty$-controllers
    author = {Benner, P. and Heiland, J. and Werner, S. W. R.},
    title = {Robust output-feedback stabilization for incompressible flows using low-dimensional {$\mathcal{H}_{\infty}$}-controllers},
    year = {2021},
    note = {math.OC}
Benner, P., Werner, S. W. R.
SOMDDPA – Second-Order Modally-Damped Dominant Pole Algorithm (Version 2.0)
    author = {Benner, P. and Werner, S. W. R.},
    title = {{SOMDDPA} -- {S}econd-{O}rder {M}odally-{D}amped {D}ominant
{P}ole {A}lgorithm (Version 2.0)},
    year = {2021},
    doi = {10.5281/zenodo.3997649}
Benner, P., Werner, S. W. R.
SOLBT – Limited Balanced Truncation for Large-Scale Sparse Second-Order Systems (Version 3.0)
    author = {Benner, P. and Werner, S. W. R.},
    title = {{SOLBT} -- {L}imited Balanced Truncation for Large-Scale Sparse
Second-Order Systems (Version 3.0)},
    year = {2021},
    doi = {10.5281/zenodo.4600763}
Feng, L., Benner, P.
On Error Estimation for Reduced-order Modeling of Linear Non-parametric and Parametric Systems
ESAIM: Math. Model. Numer. Anal.
    author = {Feng, L. and Benner, P.},
    title = {On Error Estimation for Reduced-order Modeling of Linear Non-parametric and Parametric Systems},
    journal = {ESAIM: Math. Model. Numer. Anal.},
    year = {2021},
    volume = {55},
    number = {2},
    pages = {561--594},
    doi = {10.1051/m2an/2021001}
Gosea, I. V., Karachalios, D., Antoulas, A. C.
Reduced-order modeling of block-oriented nonlinear systems from data
24th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS), Cambridge, UK, August 23–27
    author = {Gosea, I. V. and Karachalios, D. and Antoulas, A. C.},
    title = {Reduced-order modeling of block-oriented nonlinear systems from data},
    booktitle = {24th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS), Cambridge, UK, August 23--27},
    year = {2021},
    note = {extended abstract, accepted for publication}
Pontes Duff, I., Goyal, P., Benner, P.
Data-Driven Identification of Rayleigh-Damped Second-Order Systems
Realization and Model Reduction of Dynamical Systems-A Festschrift in Honor of the 70th Birthday of Thanos Antoulas
    author = {{Pontes Duff}, I. and Goyal, P. and Benner, P.},
    title = {Data-Driven Identification of Rayleigh-Damped Second-Order Systems},
    booktitle = {Realization and Model Reduction of Dynamical Systems-A Festschrift in Honor of the 70th Birthday of Thanos Antoulas},
    publisher = {Springer Cham},
    year = {2021}
Shat, H., Schwabe, R.
Experimental designs for accelerated degradation tests based on linear mixed effects models
    author = {Shat, Helmi and Schwabe, Rainer},
    title = {Experimental designs for accelerated degradation tests based on linear mixed effects models},
    year = {2021}
von Wahl, H., Richter, T.
Using a deep neural network to predict the motion of under-resolved triangular rigid bodies in an incompressible flow
Internat. J. Numer. Methods Fluids
    author = {von Wahl, H. and Richter, T.},
    title = {Using a deep neural network to predict the motion of under-resolved triangular rigid bodies in an incompressible flow},
    journal = {Internat. J. Numer. Methods Fluids},
    publisher = {Wiley},
    year = {2021},
    doi = {10.1002/fld.5037}
von Wahl, H., Richter, T., Frei, S., Hagemeier, T.
Falling balls in a viscous fluid with contact: Comparing numerical simulations with experimental data
Phys. Fluids
    author = {von Wahl, H. and Richter, T. and Frei, S. and Hagemeier, T.},
    title = {Falling balls in a viscous fluid with contact: Comparing numerical simulations with experimental data},
    journal = {Phys. Fluids},
    year = {2021},
    volume = {33},
    number = {3},
    doi = {10.1063/5.0037971}
von Wahl, H., Richter, T., Lehrenfeld, C.
An unfitted Eulerian finite element method for the time-dependent Stokes problem on moving domains
IMA J. Numer. Anal.
    author = {von Wahl, H. and Richter, T. and Lehrenfeld, C.},
    title = {An unfitted {Eulerian} finite element method for the time-dependent {Stokes} problem on moving domains},
    journal = {IMA J. Numer. Anal.},
    year = {2021},
    doi = {10.1093/imanum/drab044}
Averkov, G.
Local optimality of Zaks-Perles-Wills simplices
Advances in Applied Mathematics
    author = {Averkov, Gennadiy},
    title = {Local optimality of {Z}aks-{P}erles-{W}ills simplices},
    journal = {Advances in Applied Mathematics},
    publisher = {Elsevier},
    year = {2020},
    volume = {112},
    pages = {101943}
Averkov, G., Borger, C., Soprunov, I.
Inequalities between mixed volumes of convex bodies: volume bounds for the Minkowski sum
    author = {Averkov, Gennadiy and Borger, Christopher and Soprunov, Ivan},
    title = {{I}nequalities between mixed volumes of convex bodies: volume bounds for the {M}inkowski sum},
    journal = {Mathematika},
    year = {2020},
    volume = {66},
    number = {4},
    pages = {1003-1027},
    url = {},
    doi = {10.1112/mtk.12055}
Averkov, G., Borger, C., Soprunov, I.
Classification of Triples of Lattice Polytopes with a Given Mixed Volume
Discrete & Computational Geometry
    author = {Averkov, Gennadiy and Borger, Christopher and Soprunov, Ivan},
    title = {Classification of Triples of Lattice Polytopes with a Given Mixed Volume},
    journal = {Discrete {\&} Computational Geometry},
    year = {2020},
    doi = {10.1007/s00454-020-00246-4}
Balletti, G., Borger, C.
Families of lattice polytopes of mixed degree one
J. Combin. Theory Ser. A
    author = {Balletti, Gabriele and Borger, Christopher},
    title = {Families of lattice polytopes of mixed degree one},
    journal = {J. Combin. Theory Ser. A},
    year = {2020},
    volume = {173},
    pages = {105229},
    doi = {10.1016/j.jcta.2020.105229}
Borger, C., Nill, B.
On defectivity of families of full-dimensional point configurations
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. B
    author = {Borger, Christopher and Nill, Benjamin},
    title = {On defectivity of families of full-dimensional point
    journal = {Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. B},
    year = {2020},
    volume = {7},
    pages = {43--51},
    doi = {10.1090/bproc/46}
Bethge, J., Morabito, B., Rewald, H., Ahsan, A., Sorgatz, S., Findeisen, R.
Model Predictive Control of Mixed Traffic at Intersections using Learning and Classification of Human Driving Behavior
Proceedings of IFAC World Congress
    author = {Bethge, Johanna and Morabito, Bruno and Rewald, Hannes and Ahsan, Adil and Sorgatz, Stephan and Findeisen, Rolf},
    title = {Model Predictive Control of Mixed Traffic at Intersections using Learning and Classification of Human Driving Behavior},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of IFAC World Congress},
    year = {2020},
    pages = {14557--14563}
Bethge, J., Yu, S., Findeisen, R.
Model predictive control with guarantees for discrete linear stochastic systems subject to additive disturbances with chance constraints
2020 American Control Conference (ACC)
    author = {Bethge, Johanna and Yu, Shuyou and Findeisen, Rolf},
    title = {Model predictive control with guarantees for discrete linear stochastic systems subject to additive disturbances with chance constraints},
    booktitle = {2020 American Control Conference (ACC)},
    year = {2020},
    pages = {1943--1948},
    doi = {10.23919/ACC45564.2020.9147803}
Bethge, J., Findeisen, R., Le, D. D., Merkert, M., Rewald, H., Sager, S., Savchenko, A., Sorgatz, S.
Mathematical Optimization and Machine Learning for Efficient Urban Traffic
Mathematical Success Stories
    author = {Bethge, Johanna and Findeisen, Rolf and Le, Do Duc and Merkert, Maximilian and Rewald, Hannes and Sager, Sebastian and Savchenko, Anton and Sorgatz, Stephan},
    title = {Mathematical Optimization and Machine Learning for Efficient Urban Traffic},
    booktitle = {Mathematical Success Stories},
    publisher = {Springer},
    year = {2020},
    note = {accepted}
Boege, T., Kahle, T.
Construction Methods for Gaussoids
    author = {Boege, Tobias and Kahle, Thomas},
    title = {Construction Methods for {G}aussoids},
    journal = {Kybernetika},
    year = {2020},
    volume = {56},
    number = {6},
    pages = {1045-1062},
    doi = {10.14736/kyb-2020-6-1045}
Bürger, A., Zeile, C., Hahn, M., Altmann-Dieses, A., Sager, S., Diehl, M.
pycombina: An Open-Source Tool for Solving Combinatorial Approximation Problems arising in Mixed-Integer Optimal Control
Proceedings of the IFAC World Congress
    author = {B\"urger, A. and Zeile, C. and Hahn, M. and Altmann-Dieses, A. and Sager, S. and Diehl, M.},
    title = {pycombina: An Open-Source Tool for Solving Combinatorial Approximation Problems arising in Mixed-Integer Optimal Control},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the IFAC World Congress},
    year = {2020}
Bärmann, A., Gemander, P., Merkert, M.
The Clique Problem with Multiple-Choice Constraints under a Cycle-Free Dependency Graph
Discrete Applied Mathematics
    author = {Bärmann, Andreas and Gemander, Patrick and Merkert, Maximilian},
    title = {The Clique Problem with Multiple-Choice Constraints under a Cycle-Free Dependency Graph},
    journal = {Discrete Applied Mathematics},
    year = {2020},
    volume = {283},
    pages = {59-77},
    doi = {10.1016/j.dam.2019.12.015}
Ananiadi, L., Duarte, E.
Gröbner bases for staged trees
Algebraic Statistics
    author = {Ananiadi, Lamprini and Duarte, Eliana},
    title = {Gr{\"o}bner bases for staged trees},
    journal = {Algebraic Statistics},
    year = {2020},
    note = {Accepted}
Duarte, E., Görgen, C.
Equations defining probability tree models
Journal of Symbolic Computation
    author = {Duarte, Eliana and G{\"o}rgen, Christiane},
    title = {Equations defining probability tree models},
    journal = {Journal of Symbolic Computation},
    publisher = {Elsevier},
    year = {2020},
    volume = {99},
    pages = {127 - 146},
    doi = {10.1016/j.jsc.2019.04.001}
Duarte, E., Marigliano, O., Sturmfels, B.
Discrete Statistical Models with Rational Maximum Likelihood Estimator
    author = {Duarte, Eliana and Marigliano, Orlando and Sturmfels, Bernd},
    title = {Discrete Statistical Models with Rational Maximum Likelihood Estimator},
    journal = {Bernoulli},
    year = {2020},
    note = {In press}
Duval, C., Mariucci, E.
Non-asymptotic control of the cumulative distribution function of Lévy processes
    author = {Duval, C{\'e}line and Mariucci, Ester},
    title = {Non-asymptotic control of the cumulative distribution function of {L}{\'e}vy processes},
    year = {2020}
Duarte, E., Solus, L.
Algebraic geometry of discrete interventional models
arXiv preprint arXiv:2012.03593
    author = {Duarte, Eliana and Solus, Liam},
    title = {Algebraic geometry of discrete interventional models},
    journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:2012.03593},
    year = {2020}
Duarte, E., Seceleanu, A.
Implicitization of tensor product surfaces via virtual projective resolutions
Mathematics of Computation
    author = {Duarte, Eliana and Seceleanu, Alexandra},
    title = {Implicitization of tensor product surfaces via virtual projective resolutions},
    journal = {Mathematics of Computation},
    year = {2020},
    note = {in press},
    doi = {10.1090/mcom/3548}
Failer, L., Richter, T.
A parallel Newton multigrid framework for monolithic fluid-structure interactions
Journal of Scientific Computing
    author = {Failer, L. and Richter, T.},
    title = {A parallel Newton multigrid framework for monolithic fluid-structure interactions},
    journal = {Journal of Scientific Computing},
    year = {2020},
    volume = {82},
    number = {2},
    url = {},
    doi = {10.1007/s10915-019-01113-y}
Failer, L., Richter, T.
A Newton multigrid framework for optimal control of fluid-structure interactions
Optimization and Engineering
    author = {Failer, L. and Richter, T.},
    title = {A Newton multigrid framework for optimal control of fluid-structure interactions},
    journal = {Optimization and Engineering},
    year = {2020},
    url = {},
    doi = {10.1007/s11081-020-09498-8}
Gunkelmann, N., Merkert, M.
Improved energy minimization of iron-carbon systems: On the influence of positioning interstitial atoms
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering
    author = {Gunkelmann, Nina and Merkert, Maximilian},
    title = {Improved energy minimization of iron-carbon systems: On the influence of positioning interstitial atoms},
    journal = {Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering},
    publisher = {{IOP} Publishing},
    year = {2020},
    volume = {28},
    number = {4},
    pages = {045005},
    doi = {10.1088/1361-651x/ab6bb6}
Frei, S., Judakova, G., Richter, T.
A locally modified second-order finite element method for interface problems
    author = {Frei, S. and Judakova, G. and Richter, T.},
    title = {A locally modified second-order finite element method for interface problems},
    year = {2020},
    url = {}
Frei, S., Richter, T.
Efficient approximation of flow problems with multiple scales in time
SIAM Multiscale Modeling and Simulation
    author = {Frei, S. and Richter, T.},
    title = {Efficient approximation of flow problems with multiple scales in time},
    journal = {SIAM Multiscale Modeling and Simulation},
    year = {2020},
    volume = {18},
    number = {2}
Graßhoff, U., Holling, H., Röttger, F., Schwabe, R.
Optimality regions for designs in multiple linear regression models with correlated random coefficients
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference
    author = {Graßhoff, U. and Holling, H. and R{\"o}ttger, F. and Schwabe, R.},
    title = {Optimality regions for designs in multiple linear regression models with correlated random coefficients},
    journal = {Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference},
    year = {2020},
    volume = {209},
    pages = {267--279},
    doi = {10.1016/j.jspi.2020.04.004}
Garmatter, D., Maggi, A., Wenzel, M., Monem, S., Hahn, M., Stoll, M., Sager, S., Benner, P., Sundmacher, K.
Power-to-Chemicals: A Superstructure Problem for Sustainable Syngas Production
Mathematics in Industry
    author = {Garmatter, D. and Maggi, A. and Wenzel, M. and Monem, S. and Hahn, M. and Stoll, M. and Sager, S. and Benner, P. and Sundmacher, K.},
    title = {Power-to-Chemicals: A Superstructure Problem for Sustainable Syngas Production},
    booktitle = {Mathematics in Industry},
    publisher = {Springer},
    year = {2020},
    note = {accepted}
Hartmann, D., Lessig, C., Margenberg, N., Richter, T.
A neural network multigrid solver for the Navier-Stokes equations
    author = {Hartmann, D. and Lessig, C. and Margenberg, N. and Richter, T.},
    title = {A neural network multigrid solver for the Navier-Stokes equations},
    year = {2020}
Karachalios, D. S., Gosea, I. V., Antoulas, A. C.
The Loewner framework for nonlinear identification and reduction of Hammerstein cascaded dynamical systems
    author = {Karachalios, Dimitrios S. and Gosea, Ion Victor and Antoulas, Athanasios C.},
    title = {The Loewner framework for nonlinear identification and reduction of Hammerstein cascaded dynamical systems},
    journal = {PAMM},
    year = {2020},
    note = {Accepted}
Karachalios, D. S., Gosea, I. V., Antoulas, A. C.
The Loewner framework for system identification and reduction
Methods and Algorithms
    author = {Karachalios, D. S. and Gosea, I. V. and Antoulas, A. C.},
    title = {The {L}oewner framework for system identification and reduction},
    booktitle = {Methods and Algorithms},
    publisher = {De Gruyter},
    year = {2020},
    editor = {Benner, P. and Grivet-Talocia, S. and Quarteroni, A. and Rozza, G. and Schilders, W. H. A. and Silveira, L. M.},
    volume = {1},
    series = {Handbook on Model Reduction},
    note = {In press}
Kahle, T., Röttger, F., Schwabe, R.
Geometrie optimaler Versuchspläne
Mitt. Dtsch. Math.-Ver.
    author = {Kahle, Thomas and R{\"o}ttger, Frank and Schwabe, Rainer},
    title = {Geometrie optimaler {V}ersuchspl{\"a}ne},
    journal = {Mitt. Dtsch. Math.-Ver.},
    year = {2020},
    volume = {28},
    number = {2},
    pages = {71--76},
    doi = {10.1515/dmvm-2020-0025}
Le, D. D., Merkert, M., Sorgatz, S., Hahn, M., Sager, S.
Autonomous traffic at intersections: an optimization-based analysis of possible time, energy, and CO2 savings
Preprint (Optimization Online), submitted to Networks
    author = {Le, D. D. and Merkert, M. and Sorgatz, S. and Hahn, M. and Sager, S.},
    title = {Autonomous traffic at intersections: an optimization-based analysis of possible time, energy, and {CO2} savings},
    journal = {Preprint (Optimization Online), submitted to Networks},
    year = {2020},
    url = {}
Lilienthal, P., Tetschke, M., Schalk, E., Fischer, T., Sager, S.
Optimized and Personalized Phlebotomy Schedules for Patients suffering from Polycythemia Vera
Frontiers in Physiology
    author = {Lilienthal, P. and Tetschke, M. and Schalk, E. and Fischer, T. and Sager, S.},
    title = {Optimized and Personalized Phlebotomy Schedules for Patients suffering from Polycythemia Vera},
    journal = {Frontiers in Physiology},
    year = {2020},
    volume = {11},
    pages = {328},
    url = {},
    doi = {10.3389/fphys.2020.00328}
Freise, F., Holling, H., Schwabe, R.
Optimal designs for two-level main effects models on a restricted design region
J. Statist. Plann. Inference
    author = {Freise, Fritjof and Holling, Heinz and Schwabe, Rainer},
    title = {Optimal designs for two-level main effects models on a restricted design region},
    journal = {J. Statist. Plann. Inference},
    year = {2020},
    volume = {204},
    pages = {45--54},
    doi = {10.1016/j.jspi.2019.04.005}
Schmidt, M., Schwabe, R.
Optimal designs for Poisson count data with Gamma block effects
J. Statist. Plann. Inference
    author = {Schmidt, Marius and Schwabe, Rainer},
    title = {Optimal designs for {P}oisson count data with {G}amma block effects},
    journal = {J. Statist. Plann. Inference},
    year = {2020},
    volume = {204},
    pages = {128--140},
    doi = {10.1016/j.jspi.2019.05.002}
Margenberg, N., Lessig, C., Richter, T.
Structure Preservation for the Deep Neural Network Multigrid Solver
    author = {Margenberg, N. and Lessig, C. and Richter, T.},
    title = {Structure Preservation for the Deep Neural Network Multigrid Solver},
    year = {2020}
Mehlmann, C., Richter, T.
A goal oriented error estimator and mesh adaptivity for sea ice simulations
Ocean Modeling
    author = {Mehlmann, C. and Richter, T.},
    title = {A goal oriented error estimator and mesh adaptivity for sea ice simulations},
    journal = {Ocean Modeling},
    year = {2020},
    volume = {154},
    number = {101684},
    doi = {10.1016/j.ocemod.2020.101684}
Minakowski, P., Mucha, P. B., Peszek, J.
Density-Induced Consensus Protocol
Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci.
    author = {Minakowski, Piotr and Mucha, Piotr B. and Peszek, Jan},
    title = {Density-Induced Consensus Protocol},
    journal = {Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci.},
    publisher = {World Scientific},
    year = {2020},
    doi = {10.1142/s0218202520500451}
Minakowski, P., Richter, T.
Finite Element Error Estimates on Geometrically Perturbed Domains
Journal of Scientific Computing
    author = {Minakowski, Piotr and Richter, Thomas},
    title = {Finite Element Error Estimates on Geometrically Perturbed Domains},
    journal = {Journal of Scientific Computing},
    publisher = {Springer Science and Business Media {LLC}},
    year = {2020},
    volume = {84},
    number = {2},
    doi = {10.1007/s10915-020-01285-y}
Pfefferkorn, M., Maiworm, M., Wagner, C., Tautz, F. S., Findeisen, R.
Fusing online Gaussian process-Based learning and control for scanning quantum dot microscopy
59th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)
    author = {Pfefferkorn, Maik and Maiworm, Michael and Wagner, Christian and Tautz, F. Stefan and Findeisen, Rolf},
    title = {Fusing online {G}aussian process-Based learning and control for scanning quantum dot microscopy},
    booktitle = {59th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)},
    year = {2020},
    pages = {5525--5531},
    organization = {IEEE},
    doi = {10.1109/CDC42340.2020.9304053}
Merkert, M., Orlinskaya, G., Weninger, D.
An Exact Projection-Based Algorithm for Bilevel Mixed-Integer Problems with Nonlinearities
    author = {Merkert, Maximilian and Orlinskaya, Galina and Weninger, Dieter},
    title = {An Exact Projection-Based Algorithm for Bilevel Mixed-Integer Problems with Nonlinearities},
    year = {2020},
    url = {}
Qiu, Y., Grundel, S., Stoll, M., Benner, P.
Efficient Numerical Methods for Gas Network Modeling and Simulation
Networks and Heterogenous Media
    author = {Qiu, Y. and Grundel, S. and Stoll, M. and Benner, P.},
    title = {Efficient Numerical Methods for Gas Network Modeling and Simulation},
    journal = {Networks and Heterogenous Media},
    year = {2020},
    note = {accepted}
Röttger, F.
Asymptotics of a locally dependent statistic on finite reflection groups
Electronic Journal of Combinatorics
    author = {R{\"o}ttger, F.},
    title = {Asymptotics of a locally dependent statistic on finite reflection groups},
    journal = {Electronic Journal of Combinatorics},
    year = {2020},
    volume = {27},
    number = {2},
    pages = {P2.24},
    doi = {10.37236/9454}
Robuschi, N., Zeile, C., Sager, S., Braghin, F.
Multiphase Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Optimal Control of Hybrid Electric Vehicles
    author = {Robuschi, N. and Zeile, C. and Sager, S. and Braghin, F.},
    title = {Multiphase Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Optimal Control of Hybrid Electric Vehicles},
    journal = {Automatica},
    year = {2020},
    note = {accepted},
    url = {}
Bärmann, A., Gemander, P., Martin, A., Merkert, M.
On Recognizing Staircase Compatibility
    author = {B{\"a}rmann, Andreas and Gemander, Patrick and Martin, Alexander and Merkert, Maximilian},
    title = {On Recognizing Staircase Compatibility},
    year = {2020},
    url = {}
Sager, S., Tetschke, M.
Properties of time transformed mixed-integer optimal control problems
Preprint (Optimization Online), submitted to Journal of Global Optimization
    author = {Sager, Sebastian and Tetschke, Manuel},
    title = {Properties of time transformed mixed-integer optimal control problems},
    journal = {Preprint (Optimization Online), submitted to Journal of Global Optimization},
    year = {2020},
    note = {submitted},
    url = {}
Liers, F., Martin, A., Merkert, M., Mertens, N., Michaels, D.
Solving mixed-integer nonlinear optimization problems using simultaneous convexification: a case study for gas networks
Journal of Global Optimization
    author = {Liers, Frauke and Martin, Alexander and Merkert, Maximilian and Mertens, Nick and Michaels, Dennis},
    title = {Solving mixed-integer nonlinear optimization problems using simultaneous convexification: a case study for gas networks},
    journal = {Journal of Global Optimization},
    year = {2020},
    doi = {10.1007/s10898-020-00974-0}
Sonner, F., Richter, T.
Second order pressure estimates for the Crank-Nicolson discretization of the incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations
SIAM J. Numer. Anal.
    author = {Sonner, F. and Richter, T.},
    title = {Second order pressure estimates for the Crank-Nicolson discretization of the incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations},
    journal = {SIAM J. Numer. Anal.},
    year = {2020},
    volume = {58},
    pages = {375-409},
    doi = {10.1137/18M1234813}
Benner, P., Richter, T., Weinhandl, R.
A Low-rank Approach for Nonlinear Parameter-dependent Fluid-structure Interaction Problems
Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications ENUMATH 2019
    author = {Benner, P. and Richter, T. and Weinhandl, R.},
    title = {A Low-rank Approach for Nonlinear Parameter-dependent Fluid-structure Interaction Problems},
    booktitle = {Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications ENUMATH 2019},
    publisher = {Springer-Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg, Germany},
    year = {2020},
    note = {Accepted}
Weinhandl, R., Benner, P., Richter, T.
Low-rank linear fluid-structure interaction discretizations
ZAMM — Zeitschrift f. Angew. Math. Mech.
    author = {Weinhandl, R. and Benner, P. and Richter, T.},
    title = {Low-rank linear fluid-structure interaction discretizations},
    journal = {ZAMM --- Zeitschrift f. Angew. Math. Mech.},
    year = {2020},
    volume = {100},
    pages = {e201900205},
    doi = {10.1002/zamm.201900205}
Weinhandl, R., Benner, P., Richter, T.
A Low-rank Method for Parameter-dependent Fluid-structure Interaction Discretizations With Hyperelasticity
    author = {Weinhandl, R. and Benner, P. and Richter, T.},
    title = {A Low-rank Method for Parameter-dependent Fluid-structure Interaction Discretizations With Hyperelasticity},
    year = {2020},
    number = {arXiv:2008.10275},
    note = {math.NA},
    url = {}
Zeile, C., Robuschi, N., Sager, S.
Mixed-Integer Optimal Control under Minimum Dwell Time Constraints
Mathematical Programming
    author = {Zeile, C. and Robuschi, N. and Sager, S.},
    title = {Mixed-Integer Optimal Control under Minimum Dwell Time Constraints},
    journal = {Mathematical Programming},
    year = {2020},
    pages = {1--42},
    url = {},
    doi = {10.1007/s10107-020-01533-x}
Sager, S., Zeile, C.
On Mixed-Integer Optimal Control with Constrained Total Variation of the Integer Control
Computational Optimization and Applications
    author = {Sager, Sebastian and Zeile, Clemens},
    title = {On Mixed-Integer Optimal Control with Constrained Total Variation of the Integer Control},
    journal = {Computational Optimization and Applications},
    year = {2020},
    doi = {10.1007/s10589-020-00244-5}
Zeile, C., Rauwolf, T., Schmeisser, A., Mizerski, J., Braun-Dullaeus, R. C., Sager, S.
A Personalized Switched Systems Approach for the Optimal Control of Ventricular Assist Devices based on Atrioventricular Plane Displacement
Preprint (biorxiv)
    author = {Zeile, C. and Rauwolf, T. and Schmeisser, A. and Mizerski, J.K. and Braun-Dullaeus, R. C. and Sager, S.},
    title = {A Personalized Switched Systems Approach for the Optimal Control of Ventricular Assist Devices based on Atrioventricular Plane Displacement},
    journal = {Preprint (biorxiv)},
    year = {2020},
    url = {}
Aliev, I., Averkov, G., De Loera, J. A., Oertel, T.
Optimizing sparsity over lattices and semigroups
International Conference on Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization
    author = {Aliev, Iskander and Averkov, Gennadiy and De Loera, Jes{\'u}s A and Oertel, Timm},
    title = {Optimizing sparsity over lattices and semigroups},
    booktitle = {International Conference on Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization},
    year = {2020},
    pages = {40--51},
    organization = {Springer}
Aliyev, N., Benner, P., Mengi, E., Voigt, M.
A subspace framework for $H_ınfty$-norm minimization
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications
    author = {Aliyev, Nicat and Benner, Peter and Mengi, Emre and Voigt, Matthias},
    title = {A subspace framework for {$H_\infty$}-norm minimization},
    journal = {SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications},
    year = {2020},
    volume = {41},
    pages = {928–-956}
Benner, P., Goyal, P., Van Dooren, P.
Identification of port-Hamiltonian systems from frequency response data
Systems & Control Letters
    author = {Benner, Peter and Goyal, Pawan and Van Dooren, Paul},
    title = {Identification of port-Hamiltonian systems from frequency response data},
    journal = {Systems \& Control Letters},
    year = {2020},
    volume = {143},
    pages = {104741}
Benner, P., Dolgov, S., Onwunta, A., Stoll, M.
Low-rank solution of an optimal control problem constrained by random Navier–Stokes equations
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids
    author = {Benner, Peter and Dolgov, Sergey and Onwunta, Akwum and Stoll, Martin},
    title = {Low-rank solution of an optimal control problem constrained by random Navier--Stokes equations},
    journal = {International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids},
    year = {2020},
    volume = {92},
    number = {11},
    pages = {1653-1678},
    doi = {10.1002/fld.4843}
Benner, P., Breiten, T., Hartmann, C., Schmidt, B.
Model reduction of controlled Fokker–Planck and Liouville-von Neumann equations
Journal of Computational Dynamics
    author = {Benner, Peter and Breiten, Tobias and Hartmann, Carsten and Schmidt, Burkhard},
    title = {Model reduction of controlled {Fokker--Planck and Liouville-von Neumann} equations},
    journal = {Journal of Computational Dynamics},
    year = {2020},
    volume = {7},
    pages = {1--33}
Mariucci, E., Ray, K., Szabó, B.
A Bayesian nonparametric approach to log-concave density estimation
    author = {Mariucci, E. and Ray, K. and Szabó, B.},
    title = {A {B}ayesian nonparametric approach to log-concave density estimation},
    journal = {Bernoulli},
    year = {2020},
    volume = {26},
    number = {2},
    pages = {1070--1097},
    doi = {10.3150/19-BEJ1139}
Duval, C., Mariucci, E.
Compound Poisson approximation to estimate the Lévy density
    author = {Duval, C. and Mariucci, E.},
    title = {Compound {P}oisson approximation to estimate the {L}évy density},
    year = {2020}
Chellappa, S., Feng, L., Benner, P.
Adaptive basis construction and improved error estimation for parametric nonlinear dynamical systems
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
    author = {Chellappa, Sridhar and Feng, Lihong and Benner, Peter},
    title = {Adaptive basis construction and improved error estimation for parametric nonlinear dynamical systems},
    journal = {International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering},
    year = {2020},
    volume = {121},
    number = {23},
    pages = {5320-5349},
    doi = {10.1002/nme.6462}
Cherifi, K., Goyal, P., Benner, P.
A Non-Intrusive Method to Inferring Linear Port-Hamiltonian Realizations using Time-Domain Data
    author = {Cherifi, Karim and Goyal, Pawan and Benner, Peter},
    title = {A Non-Intrusive Method to Inferring Linear Port-Hamiltonian Realizations using Time-Domain Data},
    year = {2020}
Cifuentes, D., Kahle, T., Parrilo, P. A.
Sums of squares in Macaulay2
Journal of Software for Algebra and Geometry
    author = {Cifuentes, Diego and Kahle, Thomas and Parrilo, Pablo A},
    title = {Sums of squares in Macaulay2},
    journal = {Journal of Software for Algebra and Geometry},
    year = {2020},
    volume = {10},
    number = {1},
    pages = {17-24},
    doi = {10.2140/jsag.2020.10.17}
Borger, C.
Mixed Lattice Polytope Theory with a View towards Sparse Polynomial Systems
Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Fakultät für Mathematik
    author = {Borger, Christopher},
    title = {Mixed Lattice Polytope Theory with a View towards Sparse Polynomial Systems},
    school = {Otto-von-Guericke-Universit{\"a}t Magdeburg, Fakult{\"a}t f{\"u}r Mathematik},
    year = {2020},
    url = {10.25673/34600}
Röttger, F.
Geometry of optimal design and limit theorems
Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Fakultät für Mathematik
    author = {R{\"o}ttger, Frank},
    title = {Geometry of optimal design and limit theorems},
    school = {Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Fakultät für Mathematik},
    year = {2020},
    doi = {10.25673/33904}
Feng, L., Benner, P.
On Error Estimation for Reduced-order Modeling of Linear Non-parametric and Parametric Systems
    author = {Feng, Lihong and Benner, Peter},
    title = {On Error Estimation for Reduced-order Modeling of Linear Non-parametric and Parametric Systems},
    year = {2020}
Gösmann, J., Stöhr, C., Dette, H.
Sequential change point detection in high dimensional time series
    author = {G{\"o}smann, Josua and St{\"o}hr, Christina and Dette, Holger},
    title = {Sequential change point detection in high dimensional time series},
    year = {2020}
Graßhoff, U., Holling, H., Schwabe, R.
D-optimal design for the Rasch counts model with multiple binary predictors
Brit. J. Math. Statist. Psych.
    author = {Gra{\ss}hoff, Ulrike and Holling, Heinz and Schwabe, Rainer},
    title = {D-optimal design for the Rasch counts model with multiple binary predictors},
    journal = {Brit. J. Math. Statist. Psych.},
    year = {2020},
    volume = {73},
    pages = {541--555},
    doi = {10.1111/bmsp.12204}
Hoang, D. T., Kahle, T.
Hilbert–Poincaré series of parity binomial edge ideals and permanental ideals of complete graph
Collecteana Mathematica
    author = {Hoang, Do Trong and Kahle, Thomas},
    title = {{H}ilbert--{P}oincar\'e series of parity binomial edge ideals and permanental ideals of complete graph},
    journal = {Collecteana Mathematica},
    year = {2020},
    pages = {published online},
    doi = {10.1007/s13348-020-00294-2}
Idais, O., Schwabe, R.
In- and Equivariance for Optimal Designs in Generalized Linear Models: The Gamma Model
arXiv e-prints arXiv:2011.09745
    author = {Idais, Osama and Schwabe, Rainer},
    title = {In- and Equivariance for Optimal Designs in Generalized Linear Models: The Gamma Model},
    journal = {arXiv e-prints arXiv:2011.09745},
    year = {2020}
Kahle, T., Stump, C.
Counting inversions and descents of random elements in finite Coxeter groups
Math. of Computation
    author = {Kahle, Thomas and Stump, Christian},
    title = {Counting inversions and descents of random elements in finite {C}oxeter groups},
    journal = {Math. of Computation},
    year = {2020},
    volume = {89},
    pages = {437-464},
    doi = {10.1090/mcom/3443}
Karachalios, D. S., Gosea, I. V., Antoulas, A. C.
On Bilinear Time Domain Identification and Reduction in the Loewner Framework
International Series of Numerical Mathematics
    author = {Karachalios, D. S. and Gosea, I. V. and Antoulas, A. C.},
    title = {{O}n {B}ilinear {T}ime {D}omain {I}dentification and {R}eduction in the {L}oewner {F}ramework},
    booktitle = {International Series of Numerical Mathematics},
    publisher = {Springer},
    year = {2020},
    note = {accepted}
Kour, K., Dolgov, S., Stoll, M., Benner, P.
Efficient Structure-preserving Support Tensor Train Machine
    author = {Kour, Kirandeep and Dolgov, Sergey and Stoll, Martin and Benner, Peter},
    title = {Efficient Structure-preserving Support Tensor Train Machine},
    year = {2020}
Benner, P., Grivet-Talocia, S., Quarteroni, A., Rozza, G., Schilders, W. H., Silveira, L. M.
Model Order Reduction. Volume 1: System- and Data-Driven Methods and Algorithms
    title = {{Model Order Reduction. Volume 1: System- and Data-Driven Methods and Algorithms}},
    publisher = {De~Gruyter},
    year = {2020},
    editor = {Benner, Peter and Grivet-Talocia, Stefano and Quarteroni, Alfio and Rozza, Gianluigi and Schilders, {Wilhelmus H.A.} and Silveira, {Luis Miguel}},
    address = {Berlin}
Benner, P., Grivet-Talocia, S., Quarteroni, A., Rozza, G., Schilders, W. H., Silveira, L. M.
Model Order Reduction. Volume 2: Snapshot-Based Methods and Algorithms
    title = {{Model Order Reduction. Volume 2: Snapshot-Based Methods and Algorithms}},
    publisher = {De~Gruyter},
    year = {2020},
    editor = {Benner, Peter and Grivet-Talocia, Stefano and Quarteroni, Alfio and Rozza, Gianluigi and Schilders, {Wilhelmus H.A.} and Silveira, {Luis Miguel}},
    address = {Berlin}
Benner, P., Grivet-Talocia, S., Quarteroni, A., Rozza, G., Schilders, W. H., Silveira, L. M.
Model Order Reduction. Volume 3: Applications
    title = {{Model Order Reduction. Volume 3: Applications}},
    publisher = {De~Gruyter},
    year = {2020},
    editor = {Benner, Peter and Grivet-Talocia, Stefano and Quarteroni, Alfio and Rozza, Gianluigi and Schilders, {Wilhelmus H.A.} and Silveira, {Luis Miguel}},
    address = {Berlin}
Antoulas, A. C., Gosea, I. V., Heinkenschloss, M.
Data-Driven Model Reduction of the Oseen Equations Using the Loewner Framework
Progress in Differential-Algebraic Equations II
    author = {Antoulas, A. C. and Gosea, I. V. and Heinkenschloss, M.},
    title = {Data-Driven Model Reduction of the {O}seen Equations Using the {L}oewner Framework},
    booktitle = {Progress in Differential-Algebraic Equations II},
    publisher = {Springer},
    year = {2020},
    editor = {Grundel, S. and Reis, T. and Sch\"ops, S.},
    series = {Differential-Algebraic Equations Forum},
    note = {accepted for publication}
Banagaaya, N., Ali, G., Grundel, S., Benner, P.
Automatic Decoupling and Index-Aware Model Order Reduction for Nonlinear Differential Algebraic Equations
    author = {Banagaaya, N. and Ali, G. and Grundel, S. and Benner, P.},
    title = {Automatic Decoupling and Index-Aware Model Order Reduction for Nonlinear Differential Algebraic Equations},
    year = {2020}
Banagaaya, N., Grundel, S., Benner, P.
Index-aware MOR for Gas Transport Networks
IUTAM Symposium on Model Order Reduction of Coupled Systems, Stuttgart, Germany, May 22–25, 2018
    author = {Banagaaya, N. and Grundel, S. and Benner, P.},
    title = {Index-aware MOR for Gas Transport Networks},
    booktitle = {IUTAM Symposium on Model Order Reduction of Coupled Systems, Stuttgart, Germany, May 22--25, 2018},
    year = {2020},
    pages = {191--207},
    organization = {Springer}
Beddig, R. S., Benner, P., Dorschky, I., Reis, T., Schwerdtner, P., Voigt, M., Werner, S. W. R.
Structure-Preserving Model Reduction for Dissipative Mechanical Systems
    author = {Beddig, R. S. and Benner, P. and Dorschky, I. and Reis, T. and Schwerdtner, P. and Voigt, M. and Werner, S. W. R.},
    title = {Structure-Preserving Model Reduction for Dissipative Mechanical Systems},
    year = {2020},
    number = {2010.06331},
    note = {math.OC}
Benner, P., Goyal, P., Heiland, J., Pontes Duff, I.
Operator Inference and Physics-Informed Learning of Low-Dimensional Models for Incompressible Flows
    author = {Benner, P. and Goyal, P. and Heiland, J. and Pontes Duff, I.},
    title = {Operator Inference and Physics-Informed Learning of Low-Dimensional Models for Incompressible Flows},
    year = {2020},
    number = {2010.06701}
Benner, P., Goyal, P., Kramer, B., Peherstorfer, B., Willcox, K.
Operator Inference for Non-Intrusive Model Reduction of Systems with Non-Polynomial Nonlinear Terms
Comp. Meth. Appl. Mech. Eng.
    author = {Benner, P. and Goyal, P. and Kramer, B. and Peherstorfer, B. and Willcox, K.},
    title = {Operator Inference for Non-Intrusive Model Reduction of Systems with Non-Polynomial Nonlinear Terms},
    journal = {Comp. Meth. Appl. Mech. Eng.},
    year = {2020},
    volume = {372},
    pages = {113433},
    doi = {10.1016/j.cma.2020.113433}
Benner, P., Grundel, S., Mlinarić, P.
Clustering-Based Model Order Reduction for Nonlinear Network Systems
    author = {Benner, P. and Grundel, S. and Mlinari\'{c}, P.},
    title = {Clustering-Based Model Order Reduction for Nonlinear Network Systems},
    year = {2020}
Benner, P., Gugercin, S., Werner, S. W. R.
Structure-Preserving Interpolation for Model Reduction of Parametric Bilinear Systems
    author = {Benner, P. and Gugercin, S. and Werner, S. W. R.},
    title = {Structure-Preserving Interpolation for Model Reduction of Parametric Bilinear Systems},
    year = {2020},
    number = {2007.11269},
    note = {math.NA},
    url = {}
Benner, P., Werner, S. W. R.
Limited Balanced Truncation for Large-Scale Sparse Second-Order Systems (Version 2.0)
    author = {Benner, P. and Werner, S. W. R.},
    title = {Limited Balanced Truncation for Large-Scale Sparse Second-Order Systems (Version 2.0)},
    year = {2020},
    doi = {10.5281/zenodo.3331592}
Benner, P., Werner, S. W. R.
SOMDDPA – Second-Order Modally-Damped Dominant Pole Algorithm (Version 1.1)
    author = {Benner, P. and Werner, S. W. R.},
    title = {{SOMDDPA} -- {S}econd-{O}rder {M}odally-{D}amped {D}ominant {P}ole {A}lgorithm (Version 1.1)},
    year = {2020},
    doi = {10.5281/zenodo.3332706}
Benner, P., Werner, S. W. R.
Frequency- and time-limited balanced truncation for large-scale second-order systems
Linear Algebra Appl.
    author = {Benner, P. and Werner, S. W. R.},
    title = {Frequency- and time-limited balanced truncation for large-scale second-order systems},
    journal = {Linear Algebra Appl.},
    year = {2020},
    volume = {},
    number = {},
    pages = {},
    note = {article in press},
    doi = {10.1016/j.laa.2020.06.024}
Benner, P., Werner, S. W. R.
MORLAB – The Model Order Reduction LABoratory
    author = {Benner, P. and Werner, S. W. R.},
    title = {{MORLAB} -- {T}he {M}odel {O}rder {R}eduction {LAB}oratory},
    year = {2020},
    number = {2002.12682},
    note = {cs.MS},
    url = {}
Benner, P., Werner, S. W. R.
Hankel-norm approximation of large-scale descriptor systems
Advances in Computational Mathematics
    author = {Benner, P. and Werner, S. W. R.},
    title = {{H}ankel-norm approximation of large-scale descriptor systems},
    journal = {Advances in Computational Mathematics},
    year = {2020},
    volume = {46},
    number = {3},
    pages = {40},
    doi = {10.1007/s10444-020-09750-w}
Benner, P., Werner, S. W. R.
MORLAB – A Model Order Reduction Framework in MATLAB and Octave
Mathematical Software – ICMS 2020
    author = {Benner, P. and Werner, S. W. R.},
    title = {{MORLAB} -- {A} Model Order Reduction Framework in {MATLAB} and {O}ctave},
    booktitle = {Mathematical Software -- ICMS 2020},
    publisher = {Springer International Publishing},
    year = {2020},
    editor = {Bigatti, A. M. and Carette, J. and Davenport, J. H. and Joswig, M. and de Wolff, T.},
    volume = {12097},
    series = {International Congress on Mathematical Software},
    pages = {432--441},
    address = {Cham},
    doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-52200-1_43}
Cao, X., Benner, P., Pontes Duff, I., Schilders, W.
Model order reduction for bilinear control systems with inhomogeneous initial conditions
International Journal of Control
    author = {Cao, X. and Benner, P. and {Pontes Duff}, I. and Schilders, W.},
    title = {Model order reduction for bilinear control systems with inhomogeneous initial conditions},
    journal = {International Journal of Control},
    publisher = {Taylor \& Francis},
    year = {2020},
    note = {online}
Gosea, I. V., Gugercin, S.
The AAA framework for modeling linear dynamical systems with quadratic output
21st IFAC World Congress, Berlin, Germany, July 12–17
    author = {Gosea, I. V. and Gugercin, S.},
    title = {The {AAA} framework for modeling linear dynamical systems with quadratic output},
    booktitle = {21st IFAC World Congress, Berlin, Germany, July 12--17},
    year = {2020},
    note = {extended abstract, accepted for publication}
Gosea, I. V., Pontes Duff, I.
Toward Fitting Structured Nonlinear Systems by Means of Dynamic Mode Decomposition
    author = {Gosea, I. V. and {Pontes Duff}, I.},
    title = {Toward Fitting Structured Nonlinear Systems by Means of Dynamic Mode Decomposition},
    year = {2020},
    number = {2003.06484},
    note = {math.NA},
    url = {}
Gosea, I. V., Pontes Duff, I., Benner, P., Antoulas, A. C.
Model Order Reduction of Switched Linear Systems with Constrained Switching
IUTAM Symposium on Model Order Reduction of Coupled Systems, Stuttgart, Germany, May 22–25, 2018
    author = {Gosea, I. V. and {Pontes Duff}, I. and Benner, P. and Antoulas, A. C.},
    title = {Model Order Reduction of Switched Linear Systems with Constrained Switching},
    booktitle = {IUTAM Symposium on Model Order Reduction of Coupled Systems, Stuttgart, Germany, May 22--25, 2018},
    year = {2020},
    pages = {41--53},
    organization = {Springer}
Gosea, I. V., Petreczky, M., Leth, J., Wisniewski, R., Antoulas, A. C.
Model Reduction of Linear Hybrid Systems
    author = {Gosea, I. V. and Petreczky, M. and Leth, J. and Wisniewski, R. and Antoulas, A. C.},
    title = {Model Reduction of Linear Hybrid Systems},
    year = {2020},
    number = {2003.07954},
    note = {math.NA},
    url = {}
Gosea, I. V., Zhang, Q., Antoulas, A. C.
Preserving the DAE Structure in the Loewner Model Reduction and Identification Framework
Advances in Computational Mathematics
    author = {Gosea, I. V. and Zhang, Q. and Antoulas, A. C.},
    title = {Preserving the {DAE} Structure in the {L}oewner Model Reduction and Identification Framework},
    journal = {Advances in Computational Mathematics},
    publisher = {Springer},
    year = {2020},
    volume = {46},
    number = {3},
    doi = {10.1007/s10444-020-09752-8}
Pontes Duff, I., Grundel, S., Benner, P.
New Gramians for Switched Linear Systems: Reachability, Observability, and Model Reduction
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
    author = {{Pontes Duff}, I. and {Grundel}, S. and {Benner}, P.},
    title = {New Gramians for Switched Linear Systems: Reachability, Observability, and Model Reduction},
    journal = {IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control},
    year = {2020},
    volume = {65.6},
    number = {2526--2535}
Sarna, N., Grundel, S.
Model Reduction of Time-Dependent Hyperbolic Equations using Collocated Residual Minimisation and Shifted Snapshots
    author = {Sarna, N. and Grundel, S.},
    title = {Model Reduction of Time-Dependent Hyperbolic Equations using Collocated Residual Minimisation and Shifted Snapshots},
    year = {2020}
Cheshire, J., Menard, P., Carpentier, A.
The Influence of Shape Constraints on the Thresholding Bandit Problem
    author = {Cheshire, James and Menard, Pierre and Carpentier, Alexandra},
    title = {The Influence of Shape Constraints on the Thresholding Bandit Problem},
    publisher = {PMLR},
    year = {2020},
    editor = {Abernethy, Jacob and Agarwal, Shivani},
    volume = {125},
    series = {Proceedings of Machine Learning Research},
    pages = {1228--1275},
    url = {}
Prus, M., Benda, N., Schwabe, R.
Optimal design in hierarchical random effect models for individual prediction with application in precision medicine
J. Stat. Theory Pract
    author = {Prus, M. and Benda, N. and Schwabe, R.},
    title = {Optimal design in hierarchical random effect models for individual prediction with application in precision medicine},
    journal = {J. Stat. Theory Pract},
    year = {2020},
    volume = {14},
    pages = {24},
    doi = {10.1007/s42519-020-00090-y}
Prus, M.
Optimal designs for prediction in two treatment groups random coefficient regression models
    author = {Prus, M.},
    title = {Optimal designs for prediction in two treatment groups random coefficient regression models},
    year = {2020},
    volume = {},
    pages = {}
Prus, M.
Optimal designs in multiple group random coefficient regression models
    author = {Prus, M.},
    title = {Optimal designs in multiple group random coefficient regression models},
    journal = {TEST},
    year = {2020},
    volume = {29},
    pages = {233–254},
    note = {}
Prus, M.
Equivalence theorems for compound design problems with application in mixed models
    author = {Prus, M.},
    title = {Equivalence theorems for compound design problems with application in mixed models},
    year = {2020}
Prus, M., Piepho, H.
Optimizing the allocation of trials to sub-regions in multi-environment crop variety testing
    author = {Prus, M. and Piepho, H.-P.},
    title = {Optimizing the allocation of trials to sub-regions in multi-environment crop variety testing},
    year = {2020}
Gugushvili, S., Mariucci, E., van der Meulen, F.
Decompounding discrete distributions: A nonparametric Bayesian approach
Scandinavian Journal of Statistics
    author = {Gugushvili, Shota and Mariucci, Ester and van der Meulen, Frank},
    title = {Decompounding discrete distributions: A nonparametric {B}ayesian approach},
    journal = {Scandinavian Journal of Statistics},
    publisher = {Wiley Online Library},
    year = {2020},
    volume = {47},
    pages = {464--492},
    doi = {10.1111/sjos.12413}
Stöhr, C., Aston, J. A., Kirch, C.
Detecting changes in the covariance structure of functional time series with application to fMRI data
Econometrics and Statistics
    author = {St{\"o}hr, Christina and Aston, John AD and Kirch, Claudia},
    title = {Detecting changes in the covariance structure of functional time series with application to fMRI data},
    journal = {Econometrics and Statistics},
    publisher = {Elsevier},
    year = {2020},
    doi = {10.1016/j.ecosta.2020.04.004}
von Wahl, H., Richter, T., Frei, S., Hagemeier, T.
Falling balls in a viscous fluid with contact: Comparing numerical simulations with experimental data
    author = {von Wahl, H. and Richter, T. and Frei, S. and Hagemeier, T.},
    title = {Falling balls in a viscous fluid with contact: Comparing numerical simulations with experimental data},
    year = {2020},
    address = {Zenodo repository},
    doi = {10.5281/zenodo.3989604}
von Wahl, H., Richter, T., Lehrenfeld, C.
An unfitted Eulerian finite element method for the time-dependent Stokes problem on moving domains
    author = {von Wahl, H. and Richter, T. and Lehrenfeld, C.},
    title = {An unfitted {Eulerian} finite element method for the time-dependent {Stokes} problem on moving domains},
    publisher = {Zenodo},
    year = {2020},
    address = {Zenodo repository},
    doi = {10.5281/zenodo.3647571}
Yıldız, S., Goyal, P., Benner, P., Karasozen, B.
Data-Driven Learning of Reduced-order Dynamics for a Parametrized Shallow Water Equation
    author = {Y{\i}ld{\i}z, S{\"u}leyman and Goyal, Pawan and Benner, Peter and Karasozen, B{\"u}lent},
    title = {Data-Driven Learning of Reduced-order Dynamics for a Parametrized Shallow Water Equation},
    year = {2020}
Nill, B.
The mixed degree of families of lattice polytopes
Ann. Comb.
    author = {{Nill}, Benjamin},
    title = {{The mixed degree of families of lattice polytopes}},
    journal = {{Ann. Comb.}},
    publisher = {Springer (Birkh\"auser), Basel},
    year = {2020},
    volume = {24},
    number = {1},
    pages = {203--216},
    doi = {10.1007/s00026-019-00490-3}
Carpentier, A., Duval, C., Mariucci, E.
Total variation distance for discretely observed Lévy processes: a Gaussian approximation of the small jumps
    author = {Carpentier, A. and Duval, C. and Mariucci, E.},
    title = {Total variation distance for discretely observed {L}évy processes: a {G}aussian approximation of the small jumps},
    year = {2019}
Balletti, G., Borger, C.
Families of 3-dimensional polytopes of mixed degree one
Algebraic and geometric combinatorics on lattice polytopes
    author = {Balletti, Gabriele and Borger, Christopher},
    title = {Families of 3-dimensional polytopes of mixed degree one},
    booktitle = {Algebraic and geometric combinatorics on lattice polytopes},
    publisher = {World Sci. Publ., Hackensack, NJ},
    year = {2019},
    pages = {72--84}
Brück, B., Röttger, F.
A central limit theorem for the two-sided descent statistic on Coxeter groups
arXiv e-prints
    author = {Br{\"u}ck, B. and R{\"o}ttger, F.},
    title = {{A central limit theorem for the two-sided descent statistic on Coxeter groups}},
    journal = {arXiv e-prints},
    year = {2019}
Baumann, M., Grundel, S., Sauerteig, P., Worthmann, K.
Surrogate models in bidirectional optimization of coupled microgrids
    author = {Baumann, M. and Grundel, S. and Sauerteig, P. and Worthmann, K.},
    title = {Surrogate models in bidirectional optimization of coupled microgrids},
    journal = {at-Automatisierungstechnik},
    publisher = {De Gruyter Oldenbourg},
    year = {2019},
    volume = {67},
    number = {12},
    pages = {1035--1046}
Benner, P., Grundel, S., Himpe, C., Huck, C., Streubel, T., Tischendorf, C.
Gas network benchmark models
Applications of Differential-Algebraic Equations: Examples and Benchmarks
    author = {Benner, P. and Grundel, S. and Himpe, C. and Huck, C. and Streubel, T. and Tischendorf, C.},
    title = {Gas network benchmark models},
    journal = {Applications of Differential-Algebraic Equations: Examples and Benchmarks},
    publisher = {Springer},
    year = {2019},
    pages = {171--197}
Benner, P., Heiland, J., Werner, S. W. R.
Robust Controller versus Numerical Model Uncertainties for Stabilization of Navier-Stokes Equations
    author = {Benner, P. and Heiland, J. and Werner, S. W. R.},
    title = {Robust Controller versus Numerical Model Uncertainties for Stabilization of {N}avier-{S}tokes Equations},
    journal = {IFAC-PapersOnLine},
    year = {2019},
    volume = {52},
    number = {2},
    pages = {25--29},
    note = {3rd {IFAC/IEEE CSS} Workshop on Control of Systems Governed by Partial Differential Equation {CPDE} 2019},
    doi = {10.1016/j.ifacol.2019.08.005}
Boege, T., D'Alì, A., Kahle, T., Sturmfels, B.
The Geometry of Gaussoids
Foundations of Computational Mathematics
    author = {{Boege}, Tobias and {D'Al{\`i}}, Alessio and {Kahle}, Thomas and {Sturmfels}, Bernd},
    title = {The Geometry of Gaussoids},
    journal = {Foundations of Computational Mathematics},
    year = {2019},
    volume = {19},
    number = {4},
    pages = {775--812},
    doi = {10.1007/s10208-018-9396-x}
Buerger, A., Zeile, C., Altmann-Dieses, A., Sager, S., Diehl, M.
Design, Implementation and Simulation of an MPC algorithm for Switched Nonlinear Systems under Combinatorial Constraints
Process Control
    author = {Buerger, A. and Zeile, C. and Altmann-Dieses, A. and Sager, S. and Diehl, M.},
    title = {Design, Implementation and Simulation of an MPC algorithm for Switched Nonlinear Systems under Combinatorial Constraints},
    journal = {Process Control},
    year = {2019},
    volume = {81},
    pages = {15--30},
    doi = {10.1016/j.jprocont.2019.05.016}
Grundel, S., Sauerteig, P., Worthmann, K.
Surrogate Models For Coupled Microgrids
Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2018
    author = {Grundel, S. and Sauerteig, P. and Worthmann, K.},
    title = {Surrogate Models For Coupled Microgrids},
    booktitle = {Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2018},
    publisher = {Springer},
    year = {2019},
    pages = {477--483}
Sager, S., Bernhardt, F., Kehrle, F., Merkert, M., Potschka, A., Meder, B., Katus, H., Scholz, E.
Expert-Enhanced Machine Learning for Cardiac Arrhythmia Classification
    author = {Sager, Sebastian and Bernhardt, Felix and Kehrle, Florian and Merkert, Maximilian and Potschka, Andreas and Meder, Benjamin and Katus, Hugo and Scholz, Eberhard},
    title = {Expert-Enhanced Machine Learning for Cardiac Arrhythmia Classification},
    year = {2019},
    url = {}
Hahn, M., Kirches, C., Manns, P., Sager, S., Zeile, C.
Decomposition and approximation for PDE-constrained mixed-integer optimal control
SPP1962 Special Issue
    author = {Hahn, M. and Kirches, C. and Manns, P. and Sager, S. and Zeile, C.},
    title = {Decomposition and approximation for PDE-constrained mixed-integer optimal control},
    booktitle = {SPP1962 Special Issue},
    publisher = {Birkh\"{a}user},
    year = {2019},
    editor = {Hinterm\"{u}ller, M. et al.},
    note = {(accepted)},
    url = {}
Huschto, T., Podolskij, M., Sager, S.
The asymptotic error of chaos expansion approximations for stochastic differential equations
Modern Stochastics: Theory and Applications
    author = {Huschto, T. and Podolskij, M. and Sager, S.},
    title = {The asymptotic error of chaos expansion approximations for stochastic differential equations},
    journal = {Modern {S}tochastics: {T}heory and {A}pplications},
    year = {2019},
    volume = {6},
    number = {2},
    pages = {145-165},
    doi = {10.15559/19-VMSTA133}
Karachalios, D. S., Gosea, I. V., Antoulas, A. C.
A bilinear identification-modeling framework from time domain data
    author = {Karachalios, Dimitrios S. and Gosea, Ion Victor and Antoulas, Athanasios C.},
    title = {A bilinear identification-modeling framework from time domain data},
    journal = {PAMM},
    year = {2019},
    volume = {19},
    number = {1},
    pages = {e201900246},
    doi = {10.1002/pamm.201900246}
Radloff, M., Schwabe, R.
Locally $D$-optimal designs for non-linear models on the $k$-dimensional ball
J. Statist. Plann. Inference
    author = {Radloff, Martin and Schwabe, Rainer},
    title = {Locally {$D$}-optimal designs for non-linear models on the {$k$}-dimensional ball},
    journal = {J. Statist. Plann. Inference},
    year = {2019},
    volume = {203},
    pages = {106--116},
    doi = {10.1016/j.jspi.2019.03.004}
Gaffke, N., Idais, O., Schwabe, R.
Locally optimal designs for gamma models
J. Statist. Plann. Inference
    author = {Gaffke, Norbert and Idais, Osama and Schwabe, Rainer},
    title = {Locally optimal designs for gamma models},
    journal = {J. Statist. Plann. Inference},
    year = {2019},
    volume = {203},
    pages = {199--214},
    doi = {10.1016/j.jspi.2019.04.002}
Freise, F., Schwabe, R.
Optimal designs for $K$-factor two-level models with first-order interactions on a symmetrically restricted design region
Statist. Papers
    author = {Freise, Fritjof and Schwabe, Rainer},
    title = {Optimal designs for {$K$}-factor two-level models with first-order interactions on a symmetrically restricted design region},
    journal = {Statist. Papers},
    year = {2019},
    volume = {60},
    number = {2},
    pages = {145--163},
    doi = {10.1007/s00362-018-01063-x}
Radloff, M., Schwabe, R.
Locally $D$-optimal designs for a wider class of non-linear models on the $k$-dimensional ball with applications to logit and probit models
Statist. Papers
    author = {Radloff, Martin and Schwabe, Rainer},
    title = {Locally {$D$}-optimal designs for a wider class of non-linear models on the {$k$}-dimensional ball with applications to logit and probit models},
    journal = {Statist. Papers},
    year = {2019},
    volume = {60},
    number = {2},
    pages = {165--177},
    doi = {10.1007/s00362-018-01078-4}
Nyarko, E., Schwabe, R.
Optimal designs for second-order interactions in paired comparison experiments with binary attributes
J. Stat. Theory Pract.
    author = {Nyarko, Eric and Schwabe, Rainer},
    title = {Optimal designs for second-order interactions in paired comparison experiments with binary attributes},
    journal = {J. Stat. Theory Pract.},
    year = {2019},
    volume = {13},
    number = {4},
    pages = {Paper No. 51, 16},
    doi = {10.1007/s42519-019-0051-x}
Minakowski, P., Mucha, P. B., Peszek, J., Zatorska, E.
Singular Cucker–Smale Dynamics
Active Particles, Volume 2: Advances in Theory, Models, and Applications
    author = {Minakowski, Piotr and Mucha, Piotr B. and Peszek, Jan and Zatorska, Ewelina},
    title = {Singular Cucker--Smale Dynamics},
    booktitle = {Active Particles, Volume 2: Advances in Theory, Models, and Applications},
    publisher = {Springer International Publishing},
    year = {2019},
    editor = {Bellomo, Nicola and Degond, Pierre and Tadmor, Eitan},
    pages = {201--243},
    address = {Cham},
    doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-20297-2_7}
Mizerski, J., Richter, T.
The candy wrapper problem - a temporal multiscale approach for pde/pde systems
Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications - Enumath 2019
    author = {Mizerski, J. and Richter, T.},
    title = {The candy wrapper problem - a temporal multiscale approach for pde/pde systems},
    booktitle = {Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications - Enumath 2019},
    publisher = {Springer},
    year = {2019},
    series = {Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering}
Merkert, M., Averkov, G., Le, D. D., Sager, S., Sorgatz, S.
Modeling and optimization of traffic at traffic-light controlled intersections
Oberwolfach Reports
Oberwolfach Report No. 26/2019 on the Workshop "Mixed-integer Nonlinear Optimization: a hatchery for modern mathematics"
    author = {Merkert, Maximilian and Averkov, Gennadiy and Le, Do Duc and Sager, Sebastian and Sorgatz, Stephan},
    title = {Modeling and optimization of traffic at traffic-light controlled intersections},
    booktitle = {Oberwolfach Report No. 26/2019 on the  Workshop "Mixed-integer Nonlinear Optimization: a hatchery for modern mathematics"},
    journal = {Oberwolfach Reports},
    publisher = {European Mathematical Society Publishing House},
    year = {2019},
    editor = {Liberti, Leo and Sager, Sebastian and Wiegele, Angelika},
    volume = {16},
    pages = {1573–1637},
    doi = {10.4171/OWR/2019/26}
Averkov, G., Peters, B., Sager, S.
Convexification of polynomial optimization problems by means of monomial patterns
    author = {Averkov, Gennadiy and Peters, Benjamin and Sager, Sebastian},
    title = {Convexification of polynomial optimization problems by means of monomial patterns},
    year = {2019}
Bärmann, A., Gemander, P., Martin, A., Merkert, M., Nöth, F.
Energy-Efficient Timetabling in a German Underground System
    author = {Bärmann, Andreas and Gemander, Patrick and Martin, Alexander and Merkert, Maximilian and Nöth, Frederik},
    title = {Energy-Efficient Timetabling in a {G}erman Underground System},
    publisher = {Springer},
    year = {2019}
Weber, T., Sager, S., Gleixner, A.
Solving Quadratic Programs to High Precision using Scaled Iterative Refinement
Mathematical Programming Computation
    author = {Weber, T. and Sager, S. and Gleixner, A.},
    title = {Solving Quadratic Programs to High Precision using Scaled Iterative Refinement},
    journal = {{M}athematical {P}rogramming {C}omputation},
    year = {2019},
    volume = {11},
    number = {3},
    pages = {421--455},
    doi = {10.1007/s12532-019-00154-6}
Ahmad, M. I., Benner, P., Feng, L.
Interpolatory model reduction for quadratic-bilinear systems using error estimators
Engineering Computations
    author = {Ahmad, Mian Ilyas and Benner, Peter and Feng, Lihong},
    title = {Interpolatory model reduction for quadratic-bilinear systems using error estimators},
    journal = {Engineering Computations},
    year = {2019},
    volume = {36},
    number = {1},
    pages = {25--44}
Ahmad, M. I., Feng, L., Benner, P.
A New Two-Sided Projection Technique for Model Reduction of Quadratic-Bilinear Descriptor Systems
International Journal of Computer Mathematics
    author = {Ahmad, Mian Ilyas and Feng, Lihong and Benner, Peter},
    title = {A New Two-Sided Projection Technique for Model Reduction of Quadratic-Bilinear Descriptor Systems},
    journal = {International Journal of Computer Mathematics},
    year = {2019},
    volume = {96},
    number = {10},
    pages = {1899--1909}
Averkov, G.
Equality case in van der Corput’s inequality and collisions in multiple lattice tilings
Discrete & Computational Geometry
    author = {Averkov, Gennadiy},
    title = {Equality case in van der {C}orput’s inequality and collisions in multiple lattice tilings},
    journal = {Discrete \& Computational Geometry},
    publisher = {Springer},
    year = {2019},
    pages = {1--15}
Averkov, G., Hofscheier, J., Nill, B.
Generalized flatness constants, spanning lattice polytopes, and the Gromov width
    author = {Averkov, Gennadiy and Hofscheier, Johannes and Nill, Benjamin},
    title = {Generalized flatness constants, spanning lattice polytopes, and the {G}romov width},
    year = {2019}
Averkov, G., Codenotti, G., Macchia, A., Santos, F.
A local maximizer for lattice width of $3 $-dimensional hollow bodies
to appear in Algorithmic Discrete Mathematics
    author = {Averkov, Gennadiy and Codenotti, Giulia and Macchia, Antonio and Santos, Francisco},
    title = {A local maximizer for lattice width of $3 $-dimensional hollow bodies},
    journal = {to appear in Algorithmic Discrete Mathematics},
    year = {2019},
    url = {}
Averkov, G.
Optimal size of linear matrix inequalities in semidefinite approaches to polynomial optimization
SIAM Journal on Applied Algebra and Geometry
    author = {Averkov, Gennadiy},
    title = {Optimal size of linear matrix inequalities in semidefinite approaches to polynomial optimization},
    journal = {SIAM Journal on Applied Algebra and Geometry},
    publisher = {SIAM},
    year = {2019},
    volume = {3},
    number = {1},
    pages = {128--151}
Averkov, G.
Second-order cone representable slices of the positive semidefinite cone of size three
    author = {Averkov, Gennadiy},
    title = {Second-order cone representable slices of the positive semidefinite cone of size three},
    year = {2019}
Benner, P., Cao, X., Schilders, W.
A bilinear $\mathcalH_2$ model order reduction approach to linear parameter-varying systems
Advances in Computational Mathematics
    author = {Benner, Peter and Cao, Xingang and Schilders, Wil},
    title = {A bilinear {$\mathcal{H}_2$} model order reduction approach to linear parameter-varying systems},
    journal = {Advances in Computational Mathematics},
    year = {2019},
    volume = {45},
    number = {5-6},
    pages = {2241--2271}
Benner, P., Himpe, C.
Cross-Gramian-based dominant subspaces
Advances in Computational Mathematics
    author = {Benner, Peter and Himpe, Christian},
    title = {Cross-Gramian-based dominant subspaces},
    journal = {Advances in Computational Mathematics},
    year = {2019},
    volume = {45},
    number = {5-6},
    pages = {2533--2553}
Conradi, C., Iosif, A., Kahle, T.
Multistationarity in the space of total concentrations for systems that admit a monomial parametrization
Bulletin of mathematical biology
    author = {Conradi, Carsten and Iosif, Alexandru and Kahle, Thomas},
    title = {Multistationarity in the space of total concentrations for systems that admit a monomial parametrization},
    journal = {Bulletin of mathematical biology},
    publisher = {Springer},
    year = {2019},
    volume = {81},
    number = {10},
    pages = {4174--4209}
Friesen, M.
Extended formulations for higher order polytopes in combinatorial optimization
Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Fakultät für Mathematik
    author = {Friesen, Mirjam},
    title = {Extended formulations for higher order polytopes in combinatorial optimization},
    school = {Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Fakultät für Mathematik},
    year = {2019},
    doi = {10.25673/25397}
Iosif, A.
Algebraic methods for the study of multistationarity in mass-action networks
Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Fakultät für Mathematik
    author = {Iosif, Alexandru},
    title = {Algebraic methods for the study of multistationarity in mass-action networks},
    school = {Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Fakultät für Mathematik},
    year = {2019},
    doi = {10.25673/13949}
Mehlmann, C.
Efficient numerical methods to solve the viscous-plastic sea ice model at high spatial resolutions
Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Fakultät für Mathematik
    author = {Mehlmann, Carolin},
    title = {Efficient numerical methods to solve the viscous-plastic sea ice model at high spatial resolutions},
    school = {Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Fakultät für Mathematik},
    year = {2019},
    doi = {10.25673/14011}
Reckrühm, K.
Estimating multiple structural breaks in time series - a generalized MOSUM approach based on estimating functions
Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Fakultät für Mathematik
    author = {Reckr{\"u}hm, Kerstin},
    title = {Estimating multiple structural breaks in time series - a generalized MOSUM approach based on estimating functions},
    school = {Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Fakultät für Mathematik},
    year = {2019},
    doi = {10.25673/13832}
Stöhr, C.
Sequential change point procedures based on U-statistics and the detection of covariance changes in functional data
Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Fakultät für Mathematik
    author = {St{\"o}hr, Christina},
    title = {Sequential change point procedures based on U-statistics and the detection of covariance changes in functional data},
    school = {Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Fakultät für Mathematik},
    year = {2019},
    doi = {10.25673/13826}
Hering, M., Nill, B., Süß, H.
Stability of tangent bundles on smooth toric Picard-rank-2 varieties and surfaces
    author = {Hering, Milena and Nill, Benjamin and Süß, Hendrik},
    title = {Stability of tangent bundles on smooth toric Picard-rank-2 varieties and surfaces},
    year = {2019}
Lee, J., Skipper, D., Speakman, E.
Gaining or Losing Perspective
World Congress on Global Optimization
    author = {Lee, Jon and Skipper, Daphne and Speakman, Emily},
    title = {Gaining or Losing Perspective},
    booktitle = {World Congress on Global Optimization},
    year = {2019},
    pages = {387--397},
    organization = {Springer},
    doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-21803-4_39}
Antoulas, A. C., Gosea, I. V., Heinkenschloss, M.
On the Loewner Framework for Model Reduction of Burgers' Equation
Active Flow and Combustion Control
    author = {Antoulas, A. C. and Gosea, I. V. and Heinkenschloss, M.},
    title = {On the {L}oewner Framework for Model Reduction of {B}urgers' Equation},
    booktitle = {Active Flow and Combustion Control},
    publisher = {Springer},
    year = {2019},
    editor = {King, R.},
    series = {Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design},
    pages = {255--270},
    address = {Cham, Switzerland},
    doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-98177-2_16}
Banagaaya, N., Benner, P., Grundel, S.
Index-Preserving Model Order Reduction for Differential-Algebraic Systems Arising in Gas Transport Networks
Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2018
    author = {Banagaaya, N. and Benner, P. and Grundel, S.},
    title = {Index-Preserving Model Order Reduction for Differential-Algebraic Systems Arising in Gas Transport Networks},
    booktitle = {Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2018},
    publisher = {Springer},
    year = {2019},
    pages = {291--297}
Beddig, R. S., Benner, P., Dorschky, I., Reis, T., Schwerdtner, P., Voigt, M., Werner, S. W. R.
Model Reduction for Second-Order Dynamical Systems Revisited
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech.
    author = {Beddig, R. S. and Benner, P. and Dorschky, I. and Reis, T. and Schwerdtner, P. and Voigt, M. and Werner, S. W. R.},
    title = {Model Reduction for Second-Order Dynamical Systems Revisited},
    journal = {Proc. Appl. Math. Mech.},
    year = {2019},
    volume = {19},
    number = {1},
    pages = {e201900224},
    doi = {10.1002/pamm.201900224}
Benner, P., Goyal, P., Pontes Duff, I.
Gramians, energy functionals and balanced truncation for linear dynamical systems with quadratic outputs
    author = {Benner, P. and Goyal, P. and {Pontes Duff}, I.},
    title = {Gramians, energy functionals and balanced truncation for linear dynamical systems with quadratic outputs},
    year = {2019}
Benner, P., Goyal, P., Pontes Duff, I.
Identification of Dominant Subspaces for Linear Structured Parametric Systems and Model Reduction
    author = {Benner, P. and Goyal, P. and {Pontes Duff}, I.},
    title = {Identification of Dominant Subspaces for Linear Structured Parametric Systems and Model Reduction},
    year = {2019}
Benner, P., Werner, S. W. R.
SOMDDPA – Second-Order Modally Damped Dominant Pole Algorithm (Version 1.0)
    author = {Benner, P. and Werner, S. W. R.},
    title = {{SOMDDPA} -- {S}econd-{O}rder {M}odally {D}amped {D}ominant {P}ole {A}lgorithm (Version 1.0)},
    year = {2019},
    doi = {10.5281/zenodo.2553902}
Benner, P., Werner, S. W. R.
Limited Balanced Truncation for Large-Scale Sparse Second-Order Systems (Version 1.0)
    author = {Benner, P. and Werner, S. W. R.},
    title = {Limited Balanced Truncation for Large-Scale Sparse Second-Order Systems (Version 1.0)},
    year = {2019},
    doi = {10.5281/zenodo.2553926}
Benner, P., Werner, S. W. R.
MORLAB – Model Order Reduction LABoratory (Version 5.0)
    author = {Benner, P. and Werner, S. W. R.},
    title = {{MORLAB} -- {Model Order Reduction LABoratory} (Version 5.0)},
    year = {2019},
    note = {see also: \url{}},
    doi = {10.5281/zenodo.3332716}
Benner, P., Werner, S. W. R.
MORLAB – Model Order Reduction LABoratory
Tagungsband GMA-FA 1.30 'Modellbildung, Identifikation und Simulation in der Automatisierungstechnik' und GMA-FA 1.40 'Systemtheorie und Regelungstechnik', Workshops in Anif, Salzburg, 23.-27.09.2019
    author = {Benner, P. and Werner, S. W. R.},
    title = {{MORLAB} -- {M}odel {O}rder {R}eduction {LAB}oratory},
    booktitle = {Tagungsband GMA-FA 1.30 'Modellbildung, Identifikation und Simulation in der Automatisierungstechnik' und GMA-FA 1.40 'Systemtheorie und Regelungstechnik', Workshops in Anif, Salzburg, 23.-27.09.2019},
    year = {2019},
    editor = {Meurer, T. and Woittennek, F.},
    pages = {337--342},
    url = {}
Benner, P., Werner, S. W. R.
Frequenz- und zeitbeschränktes balanciertes Abschneiden für Systeme zweiter Ordnung
Tagungsband GMA-FA 1.30 'Modellbildung, Identifikation und Simulation in der Automatisierungstechnik' und GMA-FA 1.40 'Systemtheorie und Regelungstechnik', Workshops in Anif, Salzburg, 23.-27.09.2019
    author = {Benner, P. and Werner, S. W. R.},
    title = {Frequenz- und zeitbeschr{\"a}nktes balanciertes {A}bschneiden f{\"u}r {S}ysteme zweiter {O}rdnung},
    booktitle = {Tagungsband GMA-FA 1.30 'Modellbildung, Identifikation und Simulation in der Automatisierungstechnik' und GMA-FA 1.40 'Systemtheorie und Regelungstechnik', Workshops in Anif, Salzburg, 23.-27.09.2019},
    year = {2019},
    editor = {Meurer, T. and Woittennek, F.},
    pages = {460--474},
    url = {}
Gosea, I. V., Antoulas, A. C.
A two-sided iterative framework for model reduction of linear systems with quadratic output
58th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), December 11–13, Nice, France
    author = {Gosea, I. V. and Antoulas, A. C.},
    title = {A two-sided iterative framework for model reduction of linear systems with quadratic output},
    booktitle = {58th {IEEE} Conference on Decision and Control ({CDC}), December 11--13, Nice, France},
    year = {2019},
    pages = {7812--7817},
    doi = {10.1109/CDC40024.2019.9030025}
Gosea, I. V., Antoulas, A. C.
A note on modeling some classes of nonlinear systems from data
15th International Conference on Computational Plasticity (COMPLAS), September 3–5, Barcelona, Spain
    author = {Gosea, I. V. and Antoulas, A. C.},
    title = {A note on modeling some classes of nonlinear systems from data},
    booktitle = {15th International Conference on Computational Plasticity ({COMPLAS}), September 3--5, Barcelona, Spain},
    year = {2019},
    pages = {145--156},
    url = {}
Gosea, I. V., Pontes Duff, I., Benner, P., Antoulas, A. C.
Model order reduction of bilinear time-delay systems
2019 18th European Control Conference (ECC)
    author = {Gosea, I. V. and {Pontes Duff}, I. and Benner, P. and Antoulas, A. C.},
    title = {Model order reduction of bilinear time-delay systems},
    booktitle = {2019 18th European Control Conference (ECC)},
    year = {2019},
    pages = {2289--2294},
    organization = {IEEE}
Grundel, S., Himpe, C., Saak, J.
On Empirical System Gramians
    author = {Grundel, S. and Himpe, C. and Saak, J.},
    title = {On Empirical System Gramians},
    journal = {PAMM},
    publisher = {Wiley Online Library},
    year = {2019},
    volume = {19},
    number = {1},
    pages = {e201900006}
Pontes Duff, I., Goyal, P., Benner, P.
Balanced Truncation for a Special Class of Bilinear Descriptor Systems
IEEE Control Systems Letters
    author = {{Pontes Duff}, I. and Goyal, P. and Benner, P.},
    title = {Balanced Truncation for a Special Class of Bilinear Descriptor Systems},
    journal = {IEEE Control Systems Letters},
    publisher = {IEEE},
    year = {2019},
    volume = {3},
    number = {3},
    pages = {535--540}
Pontes Duff, I., Kürschner, P.
Numerical computation and new output bounds for time-limited balanced truncation of discrete-time systems
    author = {{Pontes Duff}, I. and K{\"u}rschner, P.},
    title = {Numerical computation and new output bounds for time-limited balanced truncation of discrete-time systems},
    year = {2019}
Saak, J., Siebelts, D., Werner, S. W. R.
A comparison of second-order model order reduction methods for an artificial fishtail
    author = {Saak, J. and Siebelts, D. and Werner, S. W. R.},
    title = {A comparison of second-order model order reduction methods for an artificial fishtail},
    journal = {at-Auto\-mati\-sie\-rungs\-tech\-nik},
    year = {2019},
    volume = {67},
    number = {8},
    pages = {648--667},
    doi = {10.1515/auto-2019-0027}
Prus, M.
Various optimality criteria for the prediction of individual response curves
Statistics and Probability Letters
    author = {Prus, M.},
    title = {Various optimality criteria for the prediction of individual response curves},
    journal = {Statistics and Probability Letters},
    year = {2019},
    volume = {146},
    pages = {36-41},
    note = {}
Prus, M.
Optimal designs for minimax-criteria in random coefficient regression models
Statistical Papers
    author = {Prus, M.},
    title = {Optimal designs for minimax-criteria in random coefficient regression models},
    journal = {Statistical Papers},
    year = {2019},
    volume = {60},
    pages = {465–478},
    note = {}
Shat, H., Schwabe, R.
Experimental Designs for Accelerated Degradation Tests Based on Gamma Process Models
    author = {Shat, Helmi and Schwabe, Rainer},
    title = {Experimental Designs for Accelerated Degradation Tests Based on Gamma Process Models},
    year = {2019}
Speakman, E., Averkov, G.
Computing the volume of the convex hull of the graph of a trilinear monomial using mixed volumes
Discrete Applied Mathematics
    author = {Speakman, Emily and Averkov, Gennadiy},
    title = {Computing the volume of the convex hull of the graph of a trilinear monomial using mixed volumes},
    journal = {Discrete Applied Mathematics},
    publisher = {Elsevier},
    year = {2019}
von Wahl, H., Richter, T., Lehrenfeld, C., Heiland, J., Minakowski, P.
Numerical benchmarking of fluid-rigid body interactions
Comput. & Fluids
    author = {von Wahl, H. and Richter, T. and Lehrenfeld, C. and Heiland, J. and Minakowski, P.},
    title = {Numerical benchmarking of fluid-rigid body interactions},
    journal = {Comput. {\&} Fluids},
    publisher = {Elsevier {BV}},
    year = {2019},
    volume = {193},
    doi = {10.1016/j.compfluid.2019.104290}
von Wahl, H., Richter, T., Lehrenfeld, C., Heiland, J., Minakowski, P.
Numerical benchmarking of fluid-rigid body interactions
    author = {von Wahl, H. and Richter, T. and Lehrenfeld, C. and Heiland, J. and Minakowski, P.},
    title = {Numerical benchmarking of fluid-rigid body interactions},
    year = {2019},
    address = {Zenodo repository},
    doi = {10.5281/zenodo.3253455}
Yue, Y., Feng, L., Benner, P.
Reduced-order modelling of parametric systems via interpolation of heterogeneous surrogates
Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences
    author = {Yue, Yao and Feng, Lihong and Benner, Peter},
    title = {Reduced-order modelling of parametric systems via interpolation of heterogeneous surrogates},
    journal = {Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences},
    year = {2019},
    volume = {6},
    number = {1},
    pages = {10}
Benner, P., Braukmüller, M., Grundel, S.
A Direct Index 1 DAE Model of Gas Networks
Reduced-Order Modeling (ROM) for Simulation and Optimization
    author = {Benner, P. and Braukm{\"u}ller, M. and Grundel, S.},
    title = {A Direct Index 1 DAE Model of Gas Networks},
    booktitle = {Reduced-Order Modeling (ROM) for Simulation and Optimization},
    publisher = {Springer},
    year = {2018},
    pages = {99--119}
Bethge, J., Morabito, B., Matschek, J., Findeisen, R.
Multi-Mode Learning Supported Model Predictive Control with Guarantees
Proceedings of 6th Nonlinear Model Predictive Control Conference (NMPC)
    author = {Bethge, Johanna and Morabito, Bruno and Matschek, Janine and Findeisen, Rolf},
    title = {Multi-Mode Learning Supported Model Predictive Control with Guarantees},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of 6th Nonlinear Model Predictive Control Conference (NMPC)},
    year = {2018},
    volume = {},
    number = {},
    pages = {616--621},
    address = {Madison, United States},
    doi = {10.1016/j.ifacol.2018.11.037}
Buerger, A., Zeile, C., Altmann-Dieses, A., Sager, S., Diehl, M.
An Algorithm for Mixed-Integer Optimal Control of Solar Thermal Climate Systems with MPC-capable runtime
Proceedings of the European Control Conference (ECC)
    author = {Buerger, A. and Zeile, C. and Altmann-Dieses, A. and Sager, S. and Diehl, M.},
    title = {An Algorithm for Mixed-Integer Optimal Control of Solar Thermal Climate Systems with MPC-capable runtime},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the European Control Conference (ECC)},
    year = {2018},
    url = {},
    doi = {10.23919/ECC.2018.8550424}
Degond, P., Minakowski, P., Navoret, L., Zatorska, E.
Finite volume approximations of the Euler system with variable congestion
Computers & Fluids
    author = {Degond, Pierre and Minakowski, Piotr and Navoret, Laurent and Zatorska, Ewelina},
    title = {Finite volume approximations of the Euler system with variable congestion},
    journal = {Computers \& Fluids},
    year = {2018},
    volume = {169},
    pages = {23 - 39},
    note = {Recent progress in nonlinear numerical methods for time-dependent flow \& transport problems},
    doi = {10.1016/j.compfluid.2017.09.007}
Degond, P., Minakowski, P., Zatorska, E.
Transport of congestion in two-phase compressible/incompressible flows
Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications
    author = {Degond, Pierre and Minakowski, Piotr and Zatorska, Ewelina},
    title = {Transport of congestion in two-phase compressible/incompressible flows},
    journal = {Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications},
    year = {2018},
    volume = {42},
    pages = {485 - 510},
    doi = {10.1016/j.nonrwa.2018.02.001}
Jung, M. N., Kirches, C., Sager, S., Sass, S.
Computational Approaches for Mixed Integer Optimal Control Problems with Indicator Constraints
Vietnam Journal of Mathematics
    author = {Jung, M. N. and Kirches, C. and Sager, S. and Sass, S.},
    title = {Computational Approaches for Mixed Integer Optimal Control Problems with Indicator Constraints},
    journal = {Vietnam Journal of Mathematics},
    year = {2018},
    volume = {46},
    pages = {1023--1051},
    doi = {10.1007/s10013-018-0313-z}
Karachalios, D. S., Gosea, I. V., Antoulas, A. C.
Data-driven approximation methods applied to non-rational functions
    author = {Karachalios, Dimitrios S. and Gosea, Ion Victor and Antoulas, Athanasios C.},
    title = {Data-driven approximation methods applied to non-rational functions},
    journal = {PAMM},
    year = {2018},
    volume = {18},
    number = {1},
    pages = {e201800368},
    doi = {10.1002/pamm.201800368}
Kazim, K. J., Bethge, J., Matschek, J., Findeisen, R.
Combined Predictive Path Following and Admittance Control
Proceedings of American Control Conference (ACC)
    author = {Kazim, Khalid J. and Bethge, Johanna and Matschek, Janine and Findeisen, Rolf},
    title = {Combined Predictive Path Following and Admittance Control},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of American Control Conference (ACC)},
    year = {2018},
    number = {},
    pages = {3153--3158},
    address = {Milwaukee, United States},
    doi = {10.23919/ACC.2018.8431272}
Averkov, G., Krümpelmann, J., Nill, B.
Lattice Simplices with a Fixed Positive Number of Interior Lattice Points: A Nearly Optimal Volume Bound
International Mathematics Research Notices
    author = {Averkov, Gennadiy and Krümpelmann, Jan and Nill, Benjamin},
    title = {Lattice Simplices with a Fixed Positive Number of Interior Lattice Points: A Nearly Optimal Volume Bound},
    journal = {International Mathematics Research Notices},
    year = {2018},
    doi = {10.1093/imrn/rny130}
Mariucci, E., Reiß, M.
Wasserstein and total variation distance between marginals of Lévy processes
Electronic Journal of Statistics
    author = {Mariucci, E. and Reiß, M.},
    title = {Wasserstein and total variation distance between marginals of {L}évy processes},
    journal = {Electronic Journal of Statistics},
    year = {2018},
    volume = {12},
    number = {2},
    pages = {2482--2514}
Mlinarić, P., Ishizaki, T., Chakrabortty, A., Grundel, S., Benner, P., Imura, J.
Synchronization and aggregation of nonlinear power systems with consideration of bus network structures
2018 European Control Conference (ECC)
    author = {Mlinari{\'c}, P. and Ishizaki, T. and Chakrabortty, A. and Grundel, S. and Benner, P. and Imura, J.},
    title = {Synchronization and aggregation of nonlinear power systems with consideration of bus network structures},
    booktitle = {2018 European Control Conference (ECC)},
    year = {2018},
    pages = {2266--2271},
    organization = {IEEE}
Richter, T., Wollner, W.
Efficient computation of time-periodic solutions of partial differential equations
Viet. J. Math.
    author = {Richter, T. and Wollner, W.},
    title = {Efficient computation of time-periodic solutions of partial differential equations},
    journal = {Viet. J. Math.},
    year = {2018},
    volume = {46},
    number = {4},
    pages = {949-966},
    doi = {10.1007/s10013-018-0314-y}
Bärmann, A., Gellermann, T., Merkert, M., Schneider, O.
Staircase compatibility and its applications in scheduling and piecewise linearization
Discrete Optimization
    author = {Bärmann, Andreas and Gellermann, Thorsten and Merkert, Maximilian and Schneider, Oskar},
    title = {Staircase compatibility and its applications in scheduling and piecewise linearization},
    journal = {Discrete Optimization},
    year = {2018},
    volume = {29},
    pages = {111-132},
    doi = {10.1016/j.disopt.2018.04.001}
Tetschke, M., Lilienthal, P., Pottgiesser, T., Fischer, T., Schalk, E., Sager, S.
Mathematical Modeling of RBC Count Dynamics after Blood Loss
    author = {Tetschke, M. and Lilienthal, P. and Pottgiesser, T. and Fischer, T. and Schalk, E. and Sager, S.},
    title = {Mathematical Modeling of {RBC} Count Dynamics after Blood Loss},
    journal = {Processes},
    year = {2018},
    volume = {6},
    number = {9},
    pages = {157--185},
    doi = {10.3390/pr6090157}
Weinhandl, R., Benner, P., Richter, T.
Linear Low-Rank Parameter-Dependent Fluid-Structure Interaction Discretization in 2D
    author = {Weinhandl, R. and Benner, P. and Richter, T.},
    title = {Linear Low-Rank Parameter-Dependent Fluid-Structure Interaction Discretization in 2D},
    journal = {PAMM},
    year = {2018},
    volume = {18},
    number = {1},
    pages = {e201800178}
Zeile, C., Weber, T., Sager, S.
Combinatorial Integral Approximation Decompositions for Mixed-Integer Optimal Control
Preprint (Optimization Online)
    author = {Zeile, C. and Weber, T. and Sager, S.},
    title = {Combinatorial Integral Approximation Decompositions for Mixed-Integer Optimal Control},
    journal = {Preprint (Optimization Online)},
    year = {2018},
    url = {}
Antoulas, A. C., Benner, P., Feng, L.
Model reduction by iterative error system approximation
Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems
    author = {Antoulas, Athanasios C and Benner, Peter and Feng, Lihong},
    title = {Model reduction by iterative error system approximation},
    journal = {Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems},
    year = {2018},
    volume = {24},
    number = {2},
    pages = {103--118}
Averkov, G., Basu, A., Paat, J.
Approximation of corner polyhedra with families of intersection cuts
SIAM Journal on Optimization
    author = {Averkov, Gennadiy and Basu, Amitabh and Paat, Joseph},
    title = {Approximation of corner polyhedra with families of intersection cuts},
    journal = {SIAM Journal on Optimization},
    publisher = {SIAM},
    year = {2018},
    volume = {28},
    number = {1},
    pages = {904--929}
Averkov, G.
Difference between families of weakly and strongly maximal integral lattice-free polytopes
    author = {Averkov, Gennadiy},
    title = {Difference between families of weakly and strongly maximal integral lattice-free polytopes},
    year = {2018},
    note = {to appear in the proceedings of the conference ``Interactions with lattice polytopes''}
Averkov, G., Kaibel, V., Weltge, S.
Maximum semidefinite and linear extension complexity of families of polytopes
Mathematical Programming
    author = {Averkov, Gennadiy and Kaibel, Volker and Weltge, Stefan},
    title = {Maximum semidefinite and linear extension complexity of families of polytopes},
    journal = {Mathematical Programming},
    publisher = {Springer},
    year = {2018},
    volume = {167},
    number = {2},
    pages = {381--394}
Banagaaya, N., Benner, P., Feng, L., Meuris, P., Schoenmaker, W.
An index-aware parametric model order reduction method for parameterized quadratic differential–algebraic equations
Applied Mathematics and Computation
    author = {Banagaaya, Nicodemus and Benner, Peter and Feng, Lihong and Meuris, Peter and Schoenmaker, Wim},
    title = {An index-aware parametric model order reduction method for parameterized quadratic differential--algebraic equations},
    journal = {Applied Mathematics and Computation},
    year = {2018},
    volume = {319},
    pages = {409--424}
Benner, P., Faßbender, H., Grasedyck, L., Kressner, D., Meini, B., Simoncini, V.
Editorial of the Special issue ''7th Workshop on Matrix Equations and Tensor Techniques''
Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications
    author = {Benner, Peter and Fa{\ss}bender, Heike and Grasedyck, Lars and Kressner, Daniel and Meini, Beatrice and Simoncini, Valeria},
    title = {Editorial of the Special issue ''7th Workshop on Matrix Equations and Tensor Techniques''},
    journal = {Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications},
    year = {2018},
    pages = {e2223}
Benner, P., Goyal, P.
An Iterative Model Reduction Scheme for Quadratic-Bilinear Descriptor Systems with an Application to Navier–Stokes Equations
Reduced-Order Modeling (ROM) for Simulation and Optimization
    author = {Benner, Peter and Goyal, Pawan},
    title = {An Iterative Model Reduction Scheme for Quadratic-Bilinear Descriptor Systems with an Application to Navier--Stokes Equations},
    booktitle = {Reduced-Order Modeling (ROM) for Simulation and Optimization},
    publisher = {Springer, Cham},
    year = {2018},
    pages = {1--19}
Benner, P., Mitchell, T., Overton, M. L.
Low-order control design using a reduced-order model with a stability constraint on the full-order model
2018 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)
    author = {Benner, Peter and Mitchell, Tim and Overton, Michael L},
    title = {Low-order control design using a reduced-order model with a stability constraint on the full-order model},
    booktitle = {2018 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)},
    year = {2018},
    pages = {3000--3005},
    organization = {IEEE}
Benner, P., Qiu, Y., Stoll, M.
Low-rank eigenvector compression of posterior covariance matrices for linear Gaussian inverse problems
SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification
    author = {Benner, Peter and Qiu, Yue and Stoll, Martin},
    title = {Low-rank eigenvector compression of posterior covariance matrices for linear Gaussian inverse problems},
    journal = {SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification},
    year = {2018},
    volume = {6},
    number = {2},
    pages = {965--989}
Benner, P., Goyal, P., Gugercin, S.
$\mathcalH_2$-Quasi-Optimal Model Order Reduction for Quadratic-Bilinear Control Systems
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications
    author = {Benner, Peter and Goyal, Pawan and Gugercin, Serkan},
    title = {{$\mathcal{H}_2$}-Quasi-Optimal Model Order Reduction for Quadratic-Bilinear Control Systems},
    journal = {SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications},
    year = {2018},
    volume = {39},
    number = {2},
    pages = {983--1032}
Benner, P., Faßbender, H., Hinze, M., Stykel, T., Zimmermann, R.
Model Rreduction of Complex Dynamical Systems. Editorial of the Special issue related to MODRED-2017
Advances in Computational Mathematics
    author = {Benner, Peter and Fa{\ss}bender, Heike and Hinze, Michael and Stykel, Tatjana and Zimmermann, Ralf},
    title = {Model Rreduction of Complex Dynamical Systems. Editorial of the Special issue related to MODRED-2017},
    journal = {Advances in Computational Mathematics},
    year = {2018},
    volume = {44},
    pages = {1687--1691}
Benner, P., Khoromskaia, V., Khoromskij, B. N.
Range-separated tensor format for many-particle modeling
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing
    author = {Benner, Peter and Khoromskaia, Venera and Khoromskij, Boris N},
    title = {Range-separated tensor format for many-particle modeling},
    journal = {SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing},
    year = {2018},
    volume = {40},
    number = {2},
    pages = {A1034--A1062}
Benner, P., Himpe, C., Mitchell, T.
On reduced input-output dynamic mode decomposition
Advances in Computational Mathematics
    author = {Benner, Peter and Himpe, Christian and Mitchell, Tim},
    title = {On reduced input-output dynamic mode decomposition},
    journal = {Advances in Computational Mathematics},
    year = {2018},
    volume = {44},
    number = {6},
    pages = {1751--1768}
Harman, R., Prus, M.
Computing optimal experimental designs with respect to a compound Bayes Risk criterion
Statistics and Probability Letters
    author = {Harman, R. and Prus, M.},
    title = {{Computing optimal experimental designs with respect to a compound Bayes Risk criterion}},
    journal = {Statistics and Probability Letters},
    year = {2018},
    volume = {137},
    pages = {135-141}
Lee, J., Skipper, D., Speakman, E.
Algorithmic and modeling insights via volumetric comparison of polyhedral relaxations
Mathematical Programming
    author = {Lee, Jon and Skipper, Daphne and Speakman, Emily},
    title = {Algorithmic and modeling insights via volumetric comparison of polyhedral relaxations},
    journal = {Mathematical Programming},
    publisher = {Springer},
    year = {2018},
    volume = {170},
    number = {1},
    pages = {121--140}
Benner, P., Grundel, S., Himpe, C.
Parametric Model Order Reduction for Gas Flow Models
ScienceOpen Posters (MoRePaS 2018 - Model Reduction of Parametrized Systems IV)
    author = {Benner, P. and Grundel, S. and Himpe, C.},
    title = {Parametric Model Order Reduction for Gas Flow Models},
    booktitle = {ScienceOpen Posters (MoRePaS 2018 - Model Reduction of Parametrized Systems IV)},
    year = {2018},
    doi = {10.14293/P2199-8442.1.SOP-MATH.EJOCET.v1}
Benner, P., Werner, S. W. R.
Model Reduction of Descriptor Systems with the MORLAB Toolbox
IFAC-PapersOnLine 9th Vienna International Conference on Mathematical Modelling MATHMOD 2018, Vienna, Austria, 21–23 February 2018
    author = {Benner, P. and Werner, S. W. R.},
    title = {Model Reduction of Descriptor Systems with the {MORLAB} Toolbox},
    journal = {{IFAC-PapersOnLine} 9th Vienna International Conference on Mathematical Modelling {MATHMOD} 2018, Vienna, Austria, 21--23 February 2018},
    year = {2018},
    volume = {51},
    number = {2},
    pages = {547--552},
    doi = {10.1016/j.ifacol.2018.03.092}
Benner, P., Werner, S. W. R.
Balancing Related Model Reduction with the MORLAB Toolbox
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech.
    author = {Benner, P. and Werner, S. W. R.},
    title = {Balancing Related Model Reduction with the {MORLAB} Toolbox},
    journal = {Proc. Appl. Math. Mech.},
    year = {2018},
    volume = {18},
    number = {1},
    pages = {e201800083},
    doi = {10.1002/pamm.201800083}
Benner, P., Werner, S. W. R.
MORLAB – Model Order Reduction LABoratory (Version 4.0)
    author = {Benner, P. and Werner, S. W. R.},
    title = {{MORLAB} -- {Model Order Reduction LABoratory} (Version 4.0)},
    year = {2018},
    note = {see also: \url{}},
    doi = {10.5281/zenodo.1574083}
Speakman, E., Lee, J.
On branching-point selection for triple products in spatial branch-and-bound: the hull relaxation
Journal of Global Optimization
    author = {Speakman, Emily and Lee, Jon},
    title = {On branching-point selection for triple products in spatial branch-and-bound: the hull relaxation},
    journal = {Journal of Global Optimization},
    year = {2018},
    pages = {129-153},
    doi = {10.1007/s10898-018-0620-7}
Castillo, F., Liu, F., Nill, B., Paffenholz, A.
Smooth polytopes with negative Ehrhart coefficients.
J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A
    author = {{Castillo}, Federico and {Liu}, Fu and {Nill}, Benjamin and {Paffenholz}, Andreas},
    title = {{Smooth polytopes with negative Ehrhart coefficients.}},
    journal = {{J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A}},
    publisher = {Elsevier (Academic Press), San Diego, CA},
    year = {2018},
    volume = {160},
    pages = {316--331},
    doi = {10.1016/j.jcta.2018.06.014}
Cabrera, J. A., Schwabe, R.
$D$-optimal design for a model with interaction between a qualitative and a quantitative factor in the presence of random block effects
J. Stat. Theory Pract.
    author = {Cabrera, Jes\'{u}s Alonso and Schwabe, Rainer},
    title = {{$D$}-optimal design for a model with interaction between a qualitative and a quantitative factor in the presence of random block effects},
    journal = {J. Stat. Theory Pract.},
    year = {2017},
    volume = {11},
    number = {4},
    pages = {759--770},
    doi = {10.1080/15598608.2017.1321070}
Matschek, J., Bethge, J., Zometa, P., Findeisen, R.
Force Feedback and Path Following Using Predictive Control: Concept and Application to a Lightweight Robot
Proceedings of 19th IFAC World Congress Toulouse
    author = {Matschek, Janine and Bethge, Johanna and Zometa, Pablo and Findeisen, Rolf},
    title = {Force Feedback and Path Following Using Predictive Control: Concept and Application to a Lightweight Robot},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of 19th IFAC World Congress Toulouse},
    year = {2017},
    pages = {10243-10248},
    address = {Toulouse, France},
    doi = {10.1016/j.ifacol.2017.08.898}
Zeile, C., Rauwolf, T., Schmeisser, A., Weber, T., Sager, S.
The Influence of Right Ventricular Afterload in Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy: A CircAdapt Study
Computing in Cardiology 2017 -PapersOnLine Proceedings
    author = {Zeile, C. and Rauwolf, T. and Schmeisser, A. and Weber, T. and Sager, S.},
    title = {The Influence of Right Ventricular Afterload in Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy: A CircAdapt Study},
    journal = {Computing in Cardiology 2017 -PapersOnLine Proceedings },
    year = {2017},
    url = {},
    doi = {10.22489/CinC.2017.215-232}
Aliyev, N., Benner, P., Mengi, E., Schwerdtner, P., Voigt, M.
Large-Scale Computation of $\mathcalL_ınfty$-Norms by a Greedy Subspace Method
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications
    author = {Aliyev, Nicat and Benner, Peter and Mengi, Emre and Schwerdtner, Paul and Voigt, Matthias},
    title = {Large-Scale Computation of {$\mathcal{L}_\infty$}-Norms by a Greedy Subspace Method},
    journal = {SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications},
    year = {2017},
    volume = {38},
    number = {4},
    pages = {1496--1516}
Averkov, G., Krümpelmann, J., Weltge, S.
Notions of maximality for integral lattice-free polyhedra: the case of dimension three
Mathematics of Operations Research
    author = {Averkov, Gennadiy and Kr{\"u}mpelmann, Jan and Weltge, Stefan},
    title = {Notions of maximality for integral lattice-free polyhedra: the case of dimension three},
    journal = {Mathematics of Operations Research},
    publisher = {INFORMS},
    year = {2017},
    volume = {42},
    number = {4},
    pages = {1035--1062}
Averkov, G., Merino, B. G., Paschke, I., Schymura, M., Weltge, S.
Tight bounds on discrete quantitative Helly numbers
Advances in Applied Mathematics
    author = {Averkov, Gennadiy and Merino, Bernardo Gonz{\'a}lez and Paschke, Ingo and Schymura, Matthias and Weltge, Stefan},
    title = {Tight bounds on discrete quantitative {H}elly numbers},
    journal = {Advances in Applied Mathematics},
    publisher = {Elsevier},
    year = {2017},
    volume = {89},
    pages = {76--101}
Hofscheier, J., Katthän, L., Nill, B.
Spanning Lattice Polytopes and the Uniform Position Principle
    author = {Hofscheier, Johannes and Katthän, Lukas and Nill, Benjamin},
    title = {Spanning Lattice Polytopes and the Uniform Position Principle},
    year = {2017}
Karachalios, D. S., Gosea, I. V., Zhang, Q., Antoulas, A. C.
Case study: Approximations of the Bessel Function
    author = {Karachalios, D. S. and Gosea, I. V. and Zhang, Q. and Antoulas, A. C.},
    title = {Case study: Approximations of the Bessel Function},
    year = {2017}
Mehlmann, C., Richter, T.
A finite element multigrid-framework to solve the sea ice momentum equation
Journal of Computational Physics
    author = {Mehlmann, C. and Richter, Thomas},
    title = {A finite element multigrid-framework to solve the sea ice momentum equation},
    journal = {Journal of Computational Physics},
    publisher = {Elsevier},
    year = {2017},
    volume = {348},
    pages = {847--861}
Mehlmann, C., Richter, T.
A modified global Newton solver for viscous-plastic sea ice models
Ocean Modelling
    author = {Mehlmann, C. and Richter, T.},
    title = {A modified global Newton solver for viscous-plastic sea ice models},
    journal = {Ocean Modelling},
    publisher = {Elsevier},
    year = {2017},
    volume = {116},
    pages = {96--107}
Benner, P., Werner, S. W. R.
On the transformation formulas of the Hankel-norm approximation
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech.
    author = {Benner, P. and Werner, S. W. R.},
    title = {On the transformation formulas of the {H}ankel-norm approximation},
    journal = {Proc. Appl. Math. Mech.},
    year = {2017},
    volume = {17},
    number = {1},
    pages = {823--824},
    doi = {10.1002/pamm.201710379}
Benner, P., Werner, S. W. R.
MORLAB-3.0 – Model Order Reduction Laboratory
    author = {Benner, P. and Werner, S. W. R.},
    title = {{MORLAB}-3.0 -- Model Order Reduction Laboratory},
    year = {2017},
    note = {see also: \url{}},
    doi = {10.5281/zenodo.842659}
Benner, P., Werner, S. W. R.
MORLAB - Modellreduktion in MATLAB
Tagungsband GMA-FA 1.30 'Modellierung, Identifikation und Simulation in der Automatisierungstechnik' und GMA-FA 1.40 'Theoretische Verfahren der Regelungstechnik', Workshop in Anif, Salzburg, 18.-22.09.2017
    author = {Benner, P. and Werner, S. W. R.},
    title = {{MORLAB} - {M}odellreduktion in {MATLAB}},
    booktitle = {Tagungsband GMA-FA 1.30 'Modellierung, Identifikation und Simulation in der Automatisierungstechnik' und GMA-FA 1.40 'Theoretische Verfahren der Regelungstechnik', Workshop in Anif, Salzburg, 18.-22.09.2017},
    year = {2017},
    editor = {Meurer, T. and Woittennek, F.},
    pages = {508--517},
    url = {}
Richter, T., Mehlmann, C.
An accelerated Newton method for nonlinear materials in structure mechanics and fluid mechanics
European Conference on Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications
    author = {Richter, Thomas and Mehlmann, Carolin},
    title = {An accelerated Newton method for nonlinear materials in structure mechanics and fluid mechanics},
    booktitle = {European Conference on Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications},
    year = {2017},
    pages = {345--353},
    organization = {Springer}
  • Dec 05th 2024, Torsten Reuter succesfully defended his PhD thesis on "D-optimal Subsampling Design for Massive Data"
  • Dec 03rd 2024, Xiangying Chen succesfully defended his PhD thesis on "Conditional Erlangen Program"

  • Dec 05th 2024, Torsten Reuter succesfully defended his PhD thesis on "D-optimal Subsampling Design for Massive Data"
  • Dec 03rd 2024, Xiangying Chen succesfully defended his PhD thesis on "Conditional Erlangen Program"
