Distances in Mathematics: Optimization

This is the first in a series of four compact courses entitled: Distances in Mathematics. Each will course be given by a different institution represented in the Research Training Group and will be half the length of a regular compact course. To obtain credit for a full compact course, you must complete any two of the four offerings (of course, you can, and we encourage you to, complete all four offerings to obtain credit for two compact courses).

The first course, offered by the Institute of Mathematical Optimization, will be taught by our guests Prof. Dr. Stefan Weltge and Dr. Joe Paat. They will cover many topics relating the principle of mathematical distance to optimization, including recent work on distances of optimal solutions of mixed-integer programs. This series aims to connect the different areas of the RTG under a broad mathematical theme and we are excited to have Stefan and Joe to kick it off!


The course will take place on Tuesday June 11 to Friday June 14, with each day just over a half day of lectures and/or exercises. The location will be confirmed closer to the time, but will be at the OVGU, hopefully in our new Math CoRE room: G2-210.

We highly encourage you to participate! Any questions, please contact Emily at emily.speakman@ovgu.de. The course/workshop is open to all interested parties. To register your interest in attending, please also send an email to emily.speakman@ovgu.de.

  • Dec 05th 2024, Torsten Reuter succesfully defended his PhD thesis on "D-optimal Subsampling Design for Massive Data"
  • Dec 03rd 2024, Xiangying Chen succesfully defended his PhD thesis on "Conditional Erlangen Program"

  • Dec 05th 2024, Torsten Reuter succesfully defended his PhD thesis on "D-optimal Subsampling Design for Massive Data"
  • Dec 03rd 2024, Xiangying Chen succesfully defended his PhD thesis on "Conditional Erlangen Program"
